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Elementary Science

Getting girls involved in Science

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Amber Kochheiser Amber Kochheiser 480 Points

What are some tips about getting children engaged in lessons? More specifically, how can I get girls involved and build their confidence in Science?

Lauren Matthew Lauren Matthew 330 Points

Hello Amber, While in many STEM classes, I have truly seen the various statistics on how many less girls are in science/ engineering fields than boys. And this needs to change! I believe if we start getting them more interested at a young age then that will guide more girls to appreciate and enjoy science. Having activities that are more enjoyable/ relatable will always help. Also, many girls like pinterest type activities, so taking things from pinterest but then applying it in various ways will truly bring science to another level of interest to these young girls.

Amy Specht Amy Specht 4555 Points

I agree with what most are saying on here. Making sure you use hands on activities is a big motivator for any student. I would also try putting students into groups with a project "competition" of some type. Boys vs Girls. This will motivate the girls because they love it when they beat boys. Bring into class some examples of great female contributors to science! Good Luck!

Vanessa Zach Vanessa Zach 2840 Points

Amber, I can speak to this as I am a female college student who never had much of an interest in science. It is only now, in one of my senior semesters of college that I am actually realizing that science is so bad and I can find some enjoyment in it. I can attribute this interest to the fact that my professor structures our classes in such a way that we are constantly engaging with our peers and doing 5E, inquiry lesson plans. I believe that by allowing students to follow an investigable question to guide their lesson, they can take ownership of the experience at hand and really immerse themselves into finding the answer to the posed question. In addition, allowing students to follow the CERR Framework (Claim, Evidence, Reasoning and Rebuttal) they are able to have a claim and defend it to their peers through evidence if they think differently. This allows students again, to have ownership over their work and to be able to learn how to speak in educational settings. In short, it's all about letting you students take the wheel of their learning and empowering them on their own to realize what their interests are!

Jennifer Clark Jennifer Clark 425 Points

I think this is relative to the grade level you are teaching. I am a kindergarten teacher and I try and get girls involved in science by using aspects that relate to them. I bring in women scientists to speak to the class. If we are doing an animals unit then I ask a woman zoologist to visit our class and talk to the students about her role. Bringing in powerful women from our community is such a great way to get our girl students to understand that science is gender neutral. 

Edith Heppe Edith Heppe 405 Points

My advise is to show them other girls or women that are involved in science in an amazing way. Sally Field was someone I learned about that got me very into science when I was younger. There are so many amazing women out there that are doing great things in science. I saw this very inspiring video about little girls that were interested in engineering. It may have been a lego inspired video but I'm sure if you search for an inspiring video about girls in science you will get more than you need. 

Whitney Goucher Whitney Goucher 440 Points

Hands on activities can usually get most kids involved, but if there are a few that are having trouble becoming interested in a topic, try relating it back to one of their other interests.

Nicholas Morrow Nicholas Morrow 825 Points

I really believe that female students are seriouslying lacking positive female scientist role models in popular media. They need to made aware that science is not just for boys and that girls can do it just as well and with just as much credibility and passion.

Hi Amber, Our team in Wiseburn Unified School District has been experimenting with how to effectively teach group communication.  What we learned is that our girls are benefiting from the structure--which is an added bonus.  Initially, we simply wanted to help students to be more engaged in the work.  We wanted to use direct instruction to build specific skills but still allow students to "work through" challenges using the NGSS Engineering Design Process.  Turns out the secret is defining roles and then embedding direct instruction in the lessons /time so that all students are held accountable for essential tasks.  We are still working to eliminate the free-rides-- students who find ways to avoid the learning process.  We are finding that the non-learners are usually lacking confidence but would love to contribute if they had the skills.  


Lauren Garvin Lauren Garvin 220 Points

For both boys and girls, I would suggest as much hands-on learning and activities as possible.  Let them, in a way, take over their learning and teach themselves through experiments.  As for getting girls involved, I would model as much as possible.  Make sure your classroom exhibits both boys and girls as scientists.  Also, include women scientists in your lessons.  Find books about the first women in space or, more specifically, the first African-American woman in space.  This can reach out and encourage minorities to become more involved in STEM as well.  Setting up an environment that does not favor one gender over the other and holds all students to the same standards is one of the most important aspects to keep in mind.  Make sure that all students feel capable of pursuing their dreams in any field.    

Amanda Firenza Amanda Firenza 745 Points

For a subject such as Science, in my experience elementary students love it. In the classrooms that I have observed I've noticed that science is not always frequently taught. So, when it is the students seem to really enjoy it. To make it engaging I believe it is important to include hands on activities for the students as well as providing plenty of visuals for them to see. This way they are able to participate in the lesson rather than just taking notes in a science journal. For girls, I think that as teachers we encourage all of our students to engage in science no matter their gender. 

Kayla Fearrin Kayla Fearrin 595 Points

There are several ways to get children engaged in science lessons. First of all, with both genders you need to find what builds their interests in science and then create lessons that go along with their interests. If you are choosing something that is of more interest to girls then they will be more willing to learn and try out the experiments and tasks that go along with it. As they get more involved they will be able to grown in their learning and confidence. I would include more hands-on and craft/creating lessons to help bring in the girls interest. Another way to grasp the students interest is to find a good hook, such as a a crazy statistic or experiment that grabs their attention for the following lessons.

DeeDee Fortenberry deedee fortenberry 370 Points

I wonder if your school can purchase and get involved in the Robotics FLL program? You do not have to be an expert in Robotics. It's a very encouraging type of competition. My first year, I knew absolutely nothing but got a brief overview of FLL Robotics. My team ended up placing 1st in the Robot game. It is a very student-oriented (versus coach and parent) outcome. The team was mostly girls. I encourage you to look into it. It will, however cost about 400 dollars to purchase your first EV3 Robot (350 dollars) and the first registration for the tournament (75 dollars).

Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

It's important for girls to have role models. Check with your local university in the engineering department. There are groups of women engineers that want to visit schools and show students what their career is all about and it is targeted at getting girls to choose science and math career paths. Here is another site:

If you haven't yet, check out the books Rosie Revere Engineer, Ada Twist Scientist, Violet the Pilot, and I know there are a lot more. You could even incorporate a scientist of the week. Assign students to research each scientist and just give their highlight reel in a 3 minute presentation. (Include male and female scientists.) I just purchased the book; Women in Science: 50 Fearless Pioneers Who Changed the World. It was around 12 or 13$ on Amazon.

Autumn Morrison Autumn Morrison 735 Points

I agree with most everyone else on this post that the way to get students the most engaged in science lessons is to provide hands-on activities. Also I think providing lessons that pertain to what the students are actually interested in and questioning is another great way to get them engaged. The more that you can appeal to their intrinsic desire to learn the better because they will be self-motivated to learn the material and get involved. As for getting girls involved and building up their confidence I think there is many ways to go about it. Girls do not do worse than boys early on but are less encouraged to pursue science classes and careers. I think that by providing constant encouragement and by showing girls other female scientist they may get more involved. Also just making them aware of the discrepancy between boys and girls in the sciences may motivate them. I remember a teacher in middle school told us about girls not pursing the sciences as much as boys and he made each group dispel the notion that girls were not as good as boys in the sciences and that stuck with me all throughout middle and high school. I think girls are encouraged more to pursue other fields but not taught that science is a field that they can also be successful at. In addition, technology has evolved so that if some girls get don't necessarily want to dissect animals or want to 'get dirty' they can still participate in science experiments and be successful. Science is a large field and the more that girls are exposed to the many different areas of science the more likely they are to find a field that may interest them.

Emily Miles Emily Miles 395 Points

Hi Amber, I completely agree with what our fellow teachers have said below. Have you thought of incorporating a read aloud that features girls and boys actively engaged in a science experiment or project? Maybe something like the Magic School bus (Phoebe is a good role model for girls). I don't know of other series that involve girls and science, but I am sure they are out there. Good Luck!

Zoe Fritz Zoe Fritz 630 Points

Hey Amber,

I think that one of the most important things that a teacher could do in a situation like this is to act as a model for the students. This is important in both female and male teachers because it is important that they see these adult models enjoying and pursing science. Another important aspect to consider would be your personal attitudes about science and your knowledge of science. If a teacher were to have a more negative attitude of science, students are going to be stand-of-ish toward science. If a teacher were to show excitement toward science and make it a very engaging and accepting experience then students are more likely to enjoy science. I would also say that creating an accepting classroom environment where making mistakes is okay and encouraged is also very important. Making mistakes is a very important part of science. Mistakes are what helps you to understand what went wrong and how you cold change your procedures the next time around. Overall I think teacher attitudes and modeling are what help to engage students and keep them interested in science.

Laura Matthew Laura Matthew 10 Points

Whatever the area of study, only if the person has an interest in the study, we can enhance that. It is not possible to spoon feed the interest in a particular job. However, science is something that explores. Thus, bringing students to science expos, scientific museums may help to enhance their interest. Science fiction series may also help. All the very best.

Huda Adnan Huda Adnan 820 Points

I think it's important to open their eyes to the opportunities that are available for them. As long as you make science more "open" and interesting to the girls, hopefully it should make them more engaged and open to the idea that they can excel and succeed in the field. I think it would be important to hook their attention with lessons/topics they're actually interested in. Hopefully, these girls can go on to fill the STEM fields with their brilliance!

Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

Amber, just in case you haven't already stumbled across this for girls: Sci Girls

Paige McRoberts Paige McRoberts 1205 Points

I agree with many of the post before this. Getting girls involved at a young age will help build their confidence in science. By exposing students to science at a young age, it will build students confidence in the future. I think through inquiry-based learning as well because it allows students to explore on their own and no one is wrong. This will help build girls confidence as well.

Shannon Lopes Shannon Lopes 1860 Points

As much as I dislike the idea of separating the boys from the girls, I feel like this is a good way of actually getting the girls to do the work. When the students are put into combined groups, I find that the girls sit back while the boys take over. It's not always the case but often times that can happen. Another thing that you could do is assign very specific parts for the students in each group so as to not separate them by gender. In a group activity, assign certain parts each time. Each time you do one, make sure to give everyone fair chance. For example, if it's a group of three and you are doing a measuring activity, one time have a boy be note taker, have a girl measure, etc. This will encourage girls to do the hands-on parts of the activity as well as show girls that they can do it. Often times the lack of confidence in girls comes from not having the opportunities to do the work as well as not being taught to learn from "mistakes". What ends up happening is that if girls mess up once, they feel like they're not smart enough for it. Hope this helps.

Lingling Xing Lingling Xing 1240 Points

Children like hands-on activities. I suggest that always put them in groups. The lessons should be interesting and relate to their own lives. The 5E Model of Instruction is great to keep students engaged.

Svetlana Makambila Svetlana Makambila 1065 Points

Try to praise their every effort specifically, encourage them, engage them. Girls enjoy discoveries, as well as boys, so make every science lesson a discovery

Karen Peake Karen Peake 20 Points

I think one of the key things is to start early & capitalize on that early interest as recommended by the new Next Generation Science Standards. Check out some of the resources available to bring this kind of engagement into the classroom:

Rachel Solis rachel solis 60 Points

I often wonder that same thing. Here I work for a company dedicated to STEM and making learning fun and my daughter wants nothing to do with it. It's because she is now in 7th grade and no longer sees herself as a "scientist". In everything that I've read and watched, it is imperative to get girls interested early on. They don't know what they don't know and if we are only making science about reading chapters and taking notes then that is not science at all and they think they don't like it (because who would). They need fun hands on learning where they are in charge of their own learning and investigating. We need to start this in the early years and continue it through out. There is no reason why a science class in middle school can't still be fun. If science is not fun and engaging then we need to look at ways to make it so. Project based learning is powerful.

Ashley Banegas Ashley Banegas 2920 Points

Some tips about getting children engaged in lessons is by incorporating information that will relate to the student. The student will be interested in the lesson by allowing them the opportunity to relate and recognize themselves towards the lesson. Girls can be involved and confident in science by encouraging girls to find the pleasure in science lessons by giving them chances in being involved.

Melissa Griffith Melissa Griffith 1455 Points

Thank you for posting this post. My campus one year noticed that our data for girls than boys. We created an after-school club that was for girls only that allowed them to be engaged in experiments, learn how careers with female scientists, and allowed them to have success that built self esteem. The next year our girls out preformed the boys!

Ling Xu Ling Xu 6458 Points

It is important to make students feel they are in the activity when teachers design some interesting activities to their students. I remember that when I was in elementary school, the most interesting course to me is the literature because the teacher of the literature come up with a great idea to inspire students motivation. He designed a book which concludes all the best writing pieces and us students all want to get more writing pieces of ourselves on the book.

Karsen Baer Karsen Baer 190 Points

Love all the ideas from this post on getting girls involved in science! I remember not liking science as an elementary student because it was just reading from a science textbook and doing worksheets. I like the idea of using Pinterest and all the hands-on activities you can do to encourage students and show them that science is fun!

Leslie Pervere Leslie Pervere 200 Points

I think it is important to change the definition of a scientist as they might think of it now. Many children imagine a scientist as an old gray stuffy man surrounded by test tubes and beakers. In order to get kids, especially girls, interested in science it may be helpful to show them scientists that they can relate to. Seeing real scientists may help them to feel more confident and see science as a real career option, and something to look forward to, rather than dread and find themselves disconnected and confused. This link may also provide initiative for girls to feel they belong in science.

Opt_out Opt_out Bethany Piotter 6155 Points

Hello Amber! My name is Bethany and I am currently a college student studying elementary education. Last semester, I taught a series of science lessons to a small group of second graders. In one of the first lessons we did, we read the book Ada Twist, Scientist. Not only did the students love the read, but the story revolved around a young girl who was an engineer. I believe that, if you get rid of the stereotype that it's a 'men's field' right away, you really won't have too much of a problem. Both boys and girls love hands-on activities. Exploring the subject in a hands-on way will automatically heighten the involvement level of your students. Science is fun! I think it is important that we, as teachers, try to always maintain that fun environment while teaching science.

Sarah Bowman Sarah Bowman 283 Points

I would think anything in Science would get them involved. As long as it is a hands on activity all children should love it. You should try out Mystery Science! I heard that they have great videos and little experiments to do.

Hudson Johnston Hudson Johnston 30 Points

Hi, Amber This is a great question. I think that the best way to engage your students in a lesson is to make is to use experiential learning. Have students physically do the science! When students actually see themselves do complete something their confidence increases at amazing rates. As far as the girls in your class, I would try to center a lesson around something they are interested in. It could lead them into other interests. Like science! Best of Luck! Hud

Adrienne Boettger Adrienne Boettger 20 Points

Amber, I think the key to getting students involved is finding something that motivates them and makes them want to learn more. The easiest way to do this is to give students an outline for their learning but let them choose what their subject is. Giving students the power to pick the topic can disguise the fact the learning is even happening. The way this happens in the classroom changes depending on the grade but giving students ownership and power is a key factor. I am a pre-service teacher so I am not an expert on how to teach this but I know from my own education that giving me ownership and allowing me to choose a part of what I am learning drastically improved my performance and drive.  Specifically, to get girls involved I would make sure to talk about and bring into discussion things women scientist have done. Also, the way you talk about science and what interest you about it as the teacher has huge effects on what your students will think. If you get excited about science lessons that will rub off on your students. Helping your students build confidence in the lab only really happens by giving them experience. Training your students so they feel prepared and confident with what they are doing will also help. Finally, verbally/writing things to students you see them doing well can also go a very long ways in building confidence.  Adrienne

Olivia Wooff Olivia Wooff 3410 Points

I think establishing a safe and comfortable environment in the classroom would help all students be themselves and be open to others. Getting the students engaged in lessons would come with hands-on lessons and activities. Also, letting the students have choice in what they do for projects, experiments, etc. This will give them more interests in the activities if they are choosing and allowing for open atmosphere. For girls, I would just encourage them and make them feel just as smart as the boys. Don't let the stereotypes be welcomed into the classroom and just help to support their learning as best as you can. If the girls feel like they can demonstrate their learning, they will be more likely to build on their confidence.

Haley Wiebenga Haley Wiebenga 1353 Points

I really like and agree with Amy S's idea of creating some sort of competition between the boys and girls - of course, stressing that it is not "life or death" and it's just for fun. Girls at this age love to prove themselves to other boys, and if they can beat them, it makes them proud and confident. As a result, it could get the girls to look forward to more interactive science activities in the future!

Alex Fox Alex Fox 4042 Points

Much like there is a lack of males in education, there's a lack of females in science-related fields. First of all I think it would be important to show them examples of prominent women in science fields who are doing amazing things. This will show your girls that they are equally capable doing great things within science. Another strategy would be to try and modify you lessons to the interests of both your male and female students. I feel like for the most part science is considered a "male subject" so girls aren't as nterested due to this stereotype.

Jessica Payton jessica payton 435 Points

Hi Amber, I really love that you posted about the lack of interest in science in girls. I too can relate to this because I always found science kind of annoying and boring. I am taking teaching Elementary Science at Florida International University. While I can't lie and say that science has become my favorite subject, I can definitely say that my professor has made a three hour class enjoyable to the point where time flies by. My professor uses the 5E Inquiry approach for her lessons. I actually participated in the procedures and experiments in the class. This model really helps you stay focused because it provides many steps needed to complete. Not only can this help engage students who are uninterested such as girls, but it serves a great purpose for reaching different types of learners. This can be students who are multi-sensory learners. Specifically as well, I saw a comment about Pinterest for the girls. I think you can incorporate some sort of 5E inquiry lesson plan how making a lipgloss product and even make a station for that. The boys might find this uninteresting so maybe make a station that uses a similar concept to make something boys would enjoy like goo. Both can be incorporated in a 5E Inquiry lesson. And when all else fails, everyone likes to make ice-cream! That can easily be turned into a science experiment.

Erin Scroggin Erin Scroggin 3185 Points

Something that always peaked my interest in science (because I was/am not really a fan) was when the teachers figured out what my interests were and made it relatable in the lessons. I was big into marine biology when I was a kid and we did units on the oceans. Also, making sure the activities were pretty hands-on is important for both males and females.

Lindsay Harley Lindsay Harley 210 Points

Kaylee Nungaray Kaylee Nungaray 3414 Points

I definitely agree with you and appreicate you asking! it is definitely challenge to get them engaged at times and be excited.

Paulina Cedillo Paulina Cedillo 20 Points

Hi!! I think this is a very important topic to address in today's schooling system. I believe the current light of women in stem is beneficial for young gurls to see so that they feel that it is possible and that they would have role models in that field if they were to take interest in them. I think that a gender binary where men normally assume the role in stem while women are associated with that of the arts is what is at the root of this controversy. I think that as a society, we are making efforts in crushing these presumptions. I think that girls would feel more interested if they felt empowered and saw the possibilities that they could achieve in a role related to STEM. Also, when students see the real life value of a lesson, it intrigues them to find the solution!

Toneka Bussey Toneka Bussey 1928 Points



Thats a great question!  I allow students to do 'Makerspace Stations' and a great deal of exploratory time in small groups.  As a requirement, the students have to use journals to take notes of what they observe.  I generally always use a question and ask them to respond by making a claim, citing evidence and reasoning.

Kathyren White Kathyren White 2133 Points

I think a great thing to do at the beginning of the semester to get everyone involved is to do the 'draw a scientist' and have the checklist where you then compare what students scienctists then have in common. With you class you would get an idea of there ideals on what makes a scientist and then go into even discussing the ratio of boys to girl scientists that were drawn. Then talk about your findings and how important it is for students to understand science isn't just for boys. When they are participating in activities make sure they are engaging. I think a great idea with younger elementary students would be to have them wear white lab coats whenever they are doing an experiment and just provide them with opportunities to really get the kids to connect. 


Erika Haley Erika Haley 1538 Points

So many young girls are not interested in science. This is due to the fact that many children think of a man with crazy hair mixing chemicals when they think of a scientist. An important job of a teacher is to show children that anyone can be a scientist and they do not have to be in a lab to be a scientist. So I think that having a female scientist come in to talk with the class would be a wonderful way to catch the interest of young girls.

Micailah Sanchez Micailah Sanchez 1698 Points

Hello Amber!

I was one of those girls that was never really into science like I wish I would have been. I did enjoy some experiments and such, but if I did not fully understand something, I would tend to shut down or get uninterested. I have noticed that in today's classrooms, a lot of girls like Pinterest, as well as google-ing different crafts or activities. Maybe you could use that idea and incorporate science lessons with it.

Kylie Phillips Kylie Phillips 1835 Points

I think the best way to get your students involved in science is to do hands on activites. Also using guided inquiry will promote learning for all children. Science was not a fun subject for me in my middle and high school years. We tended to watch Bill Nye the science guy and did  experiments that were structured word for word what we were supppse to do. Being in a science class in my methods of teaching, I have learned that guided inquiry is the way to go, it lets the kids explore in their own ways and lets them find the results that they enjor or want to find. Guided inquiry is all student lead except for the teacher praises the question to start off the experiment and than it is all up to the students to test their theory, come up with data and make a conclusion on the question asked. If this does not get girls involved in the science, I would say bringing multiple options that would support a girls intersets, like flowers for example growing them in a classroom would be awesome. In my elementary class in first grade, we actually raised caterpillars which turned into butterflies in our classroom and that was something that I really enjoyed and connected with this specific science lesson because it is a great interest to young girls. Using guided inquiry and finding interests that connect more to girls in science will help get your students engaged. the link I provided shows guided inquiry hands on in a classroom of elementary students. 

Jennifer Wiley Jennifer Wiley 120 Points


I believe that there are a variety of ways to get girls involved in science. My best opinion would be to start early. If you are able to get any student interested in science, you can build upon that foundation. Once a girl (or anyone) gets that foundational interest in science, it has the ability to flourish in years to come. Don't be afraid to take charge and make science interesting. No one wants to sit around a listen to a lecture. Make things interesting. Use experiements and inquiry based lessons to get students interested. Now this is all basic information that can apply to any student boy or girl. However, our female students may feel a little overshadowed by the sheer volume of male scientists. This is your opportunity to show young women the ability of female scientists. Show them the great achievements of female scientists across a variety of fields. Their accomplishments mean something and giving young girls someone to look up to can mean alot. While getting girls interested in science and STEM fields can seem daunting, it is important to build upon an interest that starts early. 


Jennifer Wiley 

Pre-service teacher

Zenia Mulero Zenia Mulero 160 Points

Some tips about getting children engaged in lessons is to find out what students are interested in, what they can relate to from home, school, social groups, and technology. Children these days are very hi- tech when it comes to technology, have an activity or a lesson that invovles the use of technology. Other tips is to remember science is for everyone, have some lessons that reflect female scientists, and their discoveries and contributions to the science field. I hope these few tips will help with getting all your students, especially females more invovled with science. 

Lydia Hobby Lydia Hobby 631 Points

Hello Amber! From personal experiences, I would say that hands-on activities and discussion are extremely crucial to learning. As a child, I remember learning best while doing activites as they were most memorable. In my current courses, we have learned that discussion is also a huge part of learning as well. Speaking out loud and asking questions can utilize higher order thinking skills. Focusing on getting girls engaged in content, I would say that finding their interests could play a huge role. Incorporating their interests in the lessons could encourage them to be more engaged and learn more in-depth. 

Lietty Roig Aloma Lietty 2170 Points

Hello Amber, I suggest maybe putting the children to work in groups when doing lessons that require hands on activities. Give all the students a chance to show off their skills and perhaps put girls in the role of the "group leader" from time to time. Also, I think that a lot of students are intimidated by some of the equipment, like a balance. In this case, I would say that you demonstrate how to use it and then ask every student to do the same, giving them the confidence they need to feel better about Science.

Taylor Simspson Taylor Simspson 505 Points

This is great! I will try! Thank you 

Michelle Rodriguez Michelle Rodriguez 1230 Points

I like your advice and will try it with the students in my classroom. Thank you.

Jessica Ruiz Jessica Ruiz 2465 Points

Hello Amber, I think a good way to get children engaged in the science lessons is to help them relate to the lesson. For example, if you are going to be teaching about the seasons, you wouldn't want to focus on the winter's snow too much if they live in an area that doesn't snow. It might sound meaningless to them since they don't experience snow and they might zone out. As for making girls interested in science, I would suggest giving them the same attention that boys get in this subject. For example, call on them to answer just as many question as the boys are called on and let them show off what they know as well. This will encourage them to participate more often.

Kaylee Nungaray Kaylee Nungaray 3414 Points

Thank you! this is great!

Jennifer Park Jennifer Park 420 Points

I think you can get girls more involved in science by making lessons relevant to them. Create hands-on lessons where students are learning about something they care about. You also want to take the time to build their confidence in the subject with positive feedback during lessons. It is also important to leave any of your own personal feelings, fears, and insecurities about science at the door. Students can easily pick up on your feelings through the way you approach the subject. If you are positive, excited, and confident towards science lessons, than it will help your female students to feel the same way.

Caitlin Bennett Caitlin Bennett 190 Points

I think this is a great insight. It is so true that as women, we can be an influence upon our female students in the classroom. Our thoughts and reactions towards science can influence their train of thought as they are developing their interests. If we are excited about science and lead by example, not only will that positive energy engage the whole class and help them get excited, but it could also be a good motivator for girls to stay active in science and pursue knowledge in that content area, maybe eventually leading to a science career. 

Kira Jacobson Kira Jacobson 160 Points

Great point! The way we provide positive feedback is so important. I recently had to reflect on any bias I may have in the classroom, so I recorded my interactions with students. I would absolutely recommend this to practicing teachers. If you can record who you talked to, what about, for how long... after each period, or have an audio or video recording to watch later, you can look for potential bias. We care about all of our students and want the best for them, but sometimes we have biases that we just don't see. I used this to look at for bias toward students of different race, different gender, different participation levels, different personalities (outgoing, shy, respectful, disengaged...), different socioeconomic status... But even just focusing on whether or not we're treating our females and males equally can be very eye opening! I was able to see who I gave more and less attention to and the kind of feedback I gave (empty praise like "good job," constructive criticism, empowering praise...).

Rene Moss Rene Moss 65 Points

This is a great message. While it's perplexing that the gender gap still exist in science for girls - I think we may want to step back and look at it from more than just the US. As according to this article on girls in stem programs, the gender gap is also very pronounced in UK and India also.
Is there something we can do across the board to promotion means of reducing this gap for all regions?

Sarah Benton Feitlinger Sarah Benton 1785 Points

Hi- Here is a post I wrote on my blog about engaging girls in STEM. I think it is really about a few key things: starting early (when they are young) breaking down stereotypes (each of your students IS a scientist, scientists aren't only white guys with crazy hair in lab coats) giving authentic experiences (something related to their interests that is real, hands-on and has an easily understandable real-world context) find age-appropriate science role models modeling that anyone can do science Here is the link: You will also find links to other resources for girls in science near the bottom of the post.

Maxine Dibert Maxine Dibert 1355 Points

This link is awesome....thank you!!

Kira Jacobson Kira Jacobson 160 Points

Absolutely. Females students need to see what science can look like, as it often doesn't look like a guy pouring chemicals in a lab! Role models and real life application are huge. So many females seem to be attracted to fields that involve helping other humans directly. Well there's tons of the in science, let's show them! I think field trips and guest speakers would help too. Thanks so much for the resource!

Melissa Griffith Melissa Griffith 1455 Points

You make some great points here. Thank you for sharing the resources!!

Jordan Hammerand Jordan Hammerand 3350 Points

Thanks so much for posting this article. So many helpful resources are included! I this students often have misconceptions about what science is, what is looks like in the real-world, and who is capable of being a scientist. The more we provided a variety of relevant learning experiences for students, the more we can empower all types of students in learning science. I think its important for these experiences to be hands-on, inquiry-based, and meaningful to students! We can use student interest and choice to help motivate students to solve real problems. I agree with many other responses that girls, and all children, need enthusiastic role models to demonstrate science skills. Inviting women scientists to visit the classroom is great, but students also feed off their teacher's energy and attitude towards learning. I notice this in my college courses. When professors genuinely excited about the content, and devoted to student learning, students are more likely to be motivated to learn. Modeling in this way is one way to make science more enjoyable and accessible for all.

Kaylee Nungaray Kaylee Nungaray 3414 Points

Thank you for sharing with us the link! look forward to reading it and taking ideas and advice away.

Kirsten White Kirsten White 180 Points

I agree with a lot of the responses here. I think that a way to get students, especially girls, involved in science is to have hands on activities. Children love to "do" things, so if they are engaged with fun and unique experiments, they will love it. It is also important to make sure they are working in groups. I think it would be helpful to balance out the groups with more advanced children and children that need more help. This allows peer-teaching. Overall, it is important to makes sure science is fun and enjoyable. If you are enjoying science, your students will most likely enjoy it!

Galit Zamler Galit Zamler 125 Points

In order to make girls and boys be interested in science, you just need to make them understand that it is relevant to them. I found that talking with students at different ages about current science issues, makes them want to know more, because they feel that it is not just written in their books, it really happens and has an affect on our lives. You can start with 10 minutes every week / lesson talking about science news, or better ask them to come and share with the class a science news. There are many sources on the internet for that, but you can start with Nasa's FB page or with …

Sarah Valero Sarah Valero 190 Points

I would try to think of topics that would interest girls more and use lots of hands on activities. Personally, I enjoyed more nature based topics that dealt with animals. Girls are more nurturing and are drawn to animal based topics.

Shelbi Ingle Shelbi Ingle 1490 Points

Hello Amber, Like many people have suggested a hands on activity is a great way to encourage all students (including girls) to get involved in science class. Something else I would suggest is to possibly start a class collection. I'm not sure what topic you are currently teaching, but I have found that a class collection (Such as rocks in a geology lesson, or recyclable products for a lesson on recyclables) makes a personal connection between the topic and the student. In my experience the girls love this activity. I hope this was some help.

Brittany Vogel Brittany 1965 Points

Hi, Amber! There are several great ways to get girls involved in science, as is evidenced by the replies you've already gotten! I am not yet a teacher, but I am studying to become one. In my Methods of Teaching Science course we have actually spoken about this topic. My professor stated the fact that in many science classrooms girls are treated differently than boys. For example, a teacher might say to a girl, "Oh wow, you're doing well," whereas the same teacher might simply say to a boy, "Good job!" This implies that it's surprising that the girl is doing well, because she's a girl, and that it's no surprise that the boy is doing well. Now these comments are not usually done like this on purpose, but they do happen, my instructor says. Therefore, in order to motivate girls I'd let them know that they can be just as good as boys are in regards to science, and wouldn't show any surprise when they do perform well. I'd also make sure to call on all types of kids during class--regardless of gender--and try to include activities that would interest EVERYONE. I hope that this post helps! Have a great day!

Kristi Brockschmidt Kristi Brockschmidt 2440 Points

Great question! I'm a volunteer science teacher in a small private classroom. As a private school, our school also specifically addresses how different types of people learn. Specifically, we look at 4 types of 'tools of maturity': intellect, feeling, will, and body. From my experience in this alternative school, I see that it's not so much 'girls' vs. 'boys', but the different types of learners. If the lesson is very intellectually dry, it will appeal to only those learners that are primarily motivated by the intellect. To have a balanced lesson that will work for everyone we need to bring in all 4 aspects: intellect, feeling, will, and body. Science can often tip to the intellect side which may then lose the other learners (boys or girls). For this age group I think teaching with picture books can capture a variety of learners. The story itself can appeal to a feeling child's ability to connect with the project. Hands on experiments and kinesthetic models or practices can appeal to a body oriented child. The topic itself of the phenomena will definitely hook an intellect child. And the challenge of completing or discovering something new will appeal to the will child. One practical example that I used last year in an electricity unit: first we made the playdough for squishy circuits and had then explored and experimented with lighting up the LED's. Creating 'creatures' or 'sculptures' got the feeling kids involved in learning a circuit concept by making it fun and creative. As we went along I gave them challenges to create different types of circuits (parallel/series). One child wanted to light up as many bulbs as he could and discovered way more than I had really initially intended. Afterwards we talked about the phenomenon we saw. Because this lesson included all those types of learning types everyone came away with a great experience, AND they learned a lot too.

Rebecca Cabello Rebecca Cabello 1935 Points

A great way to get students involved in lessons would be to utilize manipulatives. 

Stephanie Matzen Stephanie Matzen 1435 Points

A great way to get students involved in lessons would be making sure that the students can use their hands to explore the concept that is being reviewed. Students can use manipulatives to get a concrete understanding of the information that is being taught to students.

Dina Oti Dina Oti 1245 Points

Hi! I feel like children in general will become more engaged and interested in science if they see the "fun" side of it. Speaking about girls in particular, I think it would be interesting to inform them about successful female scientists and their accomplishments, and also tell them about how not all science requires them to get their hands dirty. Good luck! 

Neena Paul Neena Paul 1335 Points

Hi, I love that you have an interest in this! I've done some research on this topic and have learned that a lot of disinterest from female students come from a variety of things. There are things that a educator can do like refrain from using he pronouns solely when talking about STEM Professionals. Additionally, the confidence and enthusiasm a female teacher shows about Science can go a long way for the students. Elementary school students gain a lot from modeling and their is a tendency for girls to copy girls and boys to boys. I would also have various STEM guest speakers come in (especially some female). I've led events for female engagement in STEM and have found that a lot of girls just need encouragement to persevere through the problem-solving aspects of it. In the events that got to do different technology activities and meet tons of female professionals.  Like the others, there are great activities available on pinterest and such that you could take a look at. Good Luck!

Roslyn Gainey Roslyn Gainey 1045 Points

Relate what they are learning in science to an experience that they have already had or is important to them in real life. Children, and especially the little girls like to hear about something authentically relevant to them. 

Thora Ansell Thora Ansell 1175 Points

One way effective way that I have heard from my science teaching method professor, was to really introduce female scientists whenever the opportunities arise. By introducing women scientists, it directly allows girls to see that there are women in science and potentially inspire them to participate in science or have a career in the field of science.

Rachel Webber Rachel Webber 255 Points

Hi Amber and all,

I'm a science writer at Washington State University. I wanted to let you know WSU is now offering free science columns for kids and families through a unique project called Ask Dr.Universe. 
Dr. Wendy Sue Universe is a scientist and cat. Kids send her their science questions via her website. Then, Dr. Universe teams up with expert scientists to share an answer in about 500 words. She always wanted to be a scientist since she was a kitten, but some people didn't think she could do it. After all, it's not every day you meet a cat in a lab coat. Now she answers science questions from kids around the world. Our main audience is 8-12 year olds. 
You can encourage your students to submit questions to Dr. Universe any time and to read stories from our smart science cat, Wendy Sue. She gets lots of questions, but works hard to answer as many as she can and encourage future scientists. 


Judy Avellaneda Judy Avellaneda 1245 Points

Jessica, you made a great point about having the content relate to the student/s. Doing this with young girls will definitely motivate them.

Stephanie Teeter Stephanie Teeter 80 Points

I agree with what others have said, that one of the best way to get girls more involved with STEM is to show them female role models. However, I don't think this just applies to actual female scientists, but also to an everyday presence in the toys that they play with and the pop culture they're exposed to. There is an increasing number of girl's STEM toys, such as GoldieBlox or this that I came across recently (the link is to scientist dolls). Don't just show them grown up scientists, but make female scientists something that's a routine presence in their lives rather than the exception. Also, maybe highlight all of the female scientists in popular media nowadays. The image of the 'mad scientist' as an old white man is fading in pop culture, luckily, and highlighting that shifting perception may help girls to realize that STEM isn't isn't just for boys.

Lauren Redden Lauren Redden 745 Points

This is a major concern around the world in trying to interest young girls in STEM. I think that teachers unintentionally treat female students differently because of the gender stereotypes that our society has put on them and on us. We need to be aware of how we treat students. Even if we don't intend to do so, we treat our students differently by their gender and unfortunately, this has a major impact on them. In order to interest girls in activities labeled for "boys only," we need to take a step back from gender stereotypes and realize that gender roles no longer fit in this generation or in this world. Once we, as a whole society, can realize this, both genders will be treated equally and with the same respect. 

Jamie Burcham Jamie Burcham 575 Points

I believe that ensuring that the lesson is engaging in general will get the majority of the students actively involved. Whenever lessons are inquiry-based, the students show much more interest. Allowing them to explore, in an authentic way allows them to make that those connections that peak interest.

Angeles Rivero Loyola Angeles Rivero Loyola 1450 Points

Well I think science is much more approachable if you do a variety of activities that targets many different skills, then all students, not just girls, will build up their confidence in science. Also, teaching kids that science is forever changing and that scientists predict (wrong and right) but that is how they find theories that work and do not work. Great way to help kids to build more confidence in making guesses and being engage in science is to ask questions like: what MIGHT happen? what do you think about...? In summary ask questions where there are no wrong answers. 

Kira Jacobson Kira Jacobson 160 Points

Thanks for bringing up this important point in confidence building! A huge part of a lack in confidence for students is the fear of being wrong. As a female science student, I used to dread labs. What I should have experienced as a fun, hands on experience, felt like a test of whether or not I would appear intelligent off the page. Let's use experiments to explore the unknown and satisfy our curiosities!

YESENIA GUEVARA Yesenia Guevara 290 Points

Amber, based on the information provided by this article, there are many ways that you can interest more girls to science. They have conducted a number of researches and have come to certain conclusions on topics that are more appealing to girls. Take a look!

Genevieve Remy Genevieve Remy 2180 Points

Hi Amber!  I think this is a great topic. I have always been a girl who loves natural science, particularly paleontology and paleobotany. From about the ages of 14-16, I became much less vocal about my interests and actually began doing poorly in what was once on of my best subjects. I think there is a certain stigmatization applied to women in the sciences. Adolescent girls are incredibly susceptible to thinking that being into science is not feminine and unattractive. Women scientists are out there, but we don't necessarily talk about them that much. Women scientists are not bland women in lab coats. Women scientists are funny, talented, and multi-faceted people and we need to create dialogue about that with students. A great example to bring up is Mayim Bialik. She is such a talented actress, but she also has a PhD in neuroscience. We need to make science feel more accessible to girls.

Melissa Leal Melissa Leal 1465 Points

Great topic! I believe it is all about making content relatable to girls. What engages them?

Emilia Espitia Emilia Espitia 825 Points

Hello Amber, First off, kudos to you for having this concern in the first place. As a college student, I have limited experience working in the classroom, but I have been a student and I am a girl, so from firsthand experience I can tell you what has worked for me and what has not. I had many great science teachers over the years (and some not so great), we always did experiments that were hands-on and very engaging. This is accurate with most of the posts I have read on here. It is all about getting to know your students and what their personal interests are and going from there! Not only will you show them you care, but you will get so much more participation from all of them. I also liked Amy's suggestion about displaying or discussing women in science; this is a wonderful way to show your female students that science isn't strictly for boys. I also believe we all love a little competition, and putting them into gender competitions may be a great motivator. Lastly, just make it fun! If the students enjoy what they are doing (whether boy or girl) and can relate science to positive emotions of fun and engagement, they will grow up loving science! Good luck!

Jared Hernandez Jared Hernandez 2240 Points

This is one of my main areas of interest in research. As an undergrad I teach basic computer programming to students aged 2nd grade-5th grade. I have a nice balance of girls and guys in my after school care club. As a female teacher I am able to relate to the girls in the course by continually giving positive feedback. One thing I have done in the classroom is create a set for the students which will appeal to the girl students. The boys are usually ready to do science lessons. I have used various sets that appeal to the girl students to better engage them into the lesson. Giving the students an understanding of how the information being learned in the science lesson can be applied to everyday life is an important factor for engagement in the lesson.


I think there is totally a misconception when it comes to girls and science. I particularly like Science and the thought of science experiments is really cool. I think that there are great videos like Bill Nye the Science Guy that are really interesting for me. It's just a matter of showing them just how cool Science can be.

Marisol Lara Marisol Lara 1185 Points

I think that one great way to get girls involved in liking science is to see what are they interested in. For instance, I know that young children were or are still interested in Frozen. You can create fun science activities around the Frozen theme. For instance, learning about snowflakes, winter season and so forth.  In addition, Pinterest usually have a lot of fun activities to engage the students into learning a new concept.

 Kimberly Thompson 1290 Points

I think it is very hard to accommodate both genders in science. Maybe you could think of more gender neutral activities that both will enjoy. You could maybe even have a boys vs. girl type of competition. This will really encourage the girls to beat the boys and participate. 

This is also a concern of mine. Personally, I remember really liking science as a little kid, and then as I got older, liking it less and less. I think one of the things to do is make sure to come up with projects that are friendly to boys and to girls. Maybe come up with several different options for science projects? It will be a learning experience for me for sure!

Caylee Stahl Caylee Stahl 475 Points

I never really thought about girls being less engaged in science until this semester. I am in a 4th grade class teaching science lessons, and we are doing a unit on airplanes and the forces that act on a plane and affect it's motion. I have had a really difficult time getting some of the girls interested, and I have noticed that they boys are very interested in it, they're always answering questions and asking questions, and I can tell that they are excited about science. I don't know if airplanes is more of a "boy topic" but I have been trying to find ways for the girls to like it more too. I think it is definitely a challenge, but I am looking forward to student teaching and figuring out more activities that are enjoyable to both girls and boys. 

Cristina Carrera Cristina Carrera 420 Points

I am also concerned about this. I had never realized the difference in participation/motivation, until I was completing my field experience hours in a third grade classroom. I agree that girls need female role models in science. As I've learned in my Science course this semester, teachers can highlight female scientists by creating research activities. For instance, having students choose a scientist and creating a "Facebook" poster page of the scientist of their choice. Students can learn about female scientist such as Jane Goodall, Marie Curie, Sally Ride, etc. Yes, every student needs motivation, and to motivate students teachers can implement inquiry investigations/activities, where students are excited, engaged, and motivated during the learning process.

Danielle Bergstrom Dani Bergstrom 1160 Points

Great post!

Kimberly Chhouen Kimberly Chhouen 465 Points

Hi Amber, I thought you brought up an interesting point about lower rates of participation among girls in the STEM field. Similar to other posters, I think it is a great idea to bring in female role models. Often times when we speak about people who have made important contributions to science, we often speak about Einstein, Darwin, Galileo, etc. Some students may end up internalizing the message that only men can be successful in science. You can incorporate literacy readings about important females in science such as, Curie, Herschel, and and Goodall.

Jasmin Hawkins Jasmin Hawkins 1995 Points

Fortunately, I have began to notice that more and more young girls are taking an interest in science.  One fourth grade girl that I tutor aspires to be a marine biologist when she grows up!  I believe that if educators instill the belief in children that ANYONE can be a scientist, mathematician etc. then young girls will not be afraid to embrace their inner passion for science.  It would also be good to expose students to scientist of all races and genders.

Rachel Ryan Rachel Ryan 820 Points

Really interesting topic. Thanks everyone for sharing!

Isairis Gonzalez Isairis Gonzalez 1075 Points

Well, the best way to get any student interested in a subject is to have them not only engaged in the topic but it needs to be something that is relates to them and their interest. It depends what your topic is. Maybe you could use an End of Class Check to take note of what the students (primarily the girls) are interested in. 

Emily Lopez Emily Lopez 750 Points

This post is really interesting to me, in my second grade class both the boys and girls seem to equally be engaged in the lessons. Perhaps as they get to upper elementary school this changes? I've only ever had experience with lower level elementary students. Try choosing a topic that could maybe entice the female population a little more, maybe something that involves animals? 

Veronica Temple Veronica Temple 535 Points

Hands on can be tough when you are working with a class full of students with behavioral issues.

Jessica Kim Jessica Kim 370 Points

Hi Amber, Some tips for getting children engaged in lessons are to connect what they're learning to real life. This is very important because when students are able to make connections to real life, they have a better understanding of the concept. You also have to make sure that the lesson itself is exciting and interesting to learn. If it happens to be a boring unit, try to incorporate engaging experiments or activities for the students to do. There are many ways to get girls involved with science. One way is when in groups, give a job to every student in the group, have that count as part of their grade- participation. Another way is to use class cards to call on students randomly. But first, always have the students think-pair-share with their partner or group before calling out names with the name cards. This gives the students a chance to hear other ideas, share their thoughts, and learn more. Hope this helps!

Lauren Boggs Lauren Boggs 725 Points

This is a significant concern. I am placed in a 5th grade Science classroom and this issue is very apparent. The boys are ALWAYS excited to start Science and I have noticed the girls are rarely ever excited. However, this is not true for every girl but many of the girls in my placement feel "blah" when it comes to Science. Along with all the other great advice on this thread, I think making the Science content appeal to their interest could be a great way to get the girls motivated. Find out what T.V. shows, movies, and games they enjoy and try to incorporate into a Science lab or lesson.

Kim Duba Kim 380 Points

I have found that the girls in my classroom are less excited and engaged with science lessons just as you have!  I have used Pinterest to help set up more arts and crafts type of activities.  For example when teaching students about animal adaptations I had students create an animal that had adaptations to help it survive in its environment.  The girls were far more creative than the boys and it was neat to see them using their creativity to learn about science!

Brianna Gage Brianna Gage 600 Points

Thank you Amber for posting this. I've learned a lot from all the comments. In my fifth grade placement, I've noticed that my girls are really involved. After talking to a few girls, they said they enjoyed the hands on activity and the freedom to join in on the discussion. I'm constantly calling on both girls and guys throughout a lesson and I make sure to give everyone an opportunity to share. I also try to incorporate various amounts of activities so I can see what engages the class the most. For example, they have done activities outside, they have watched videos, and they have created models. Overall, I believe the girls in my class appreciate the opportunity to be creative and share their thinking out loud or with their partner. 

 Allison Sendejas 970 Points

I think anything hands-on and interactive would be great! Science can be very abstract for both boys and girls at times. Having activities that bring the content to life are great for making these abstract concepts more clear for students. Once there is an understanding of the concepts, students will most likely start to enjoy the lessons. 

Marissa LaMar Marissa LaMar 380 Points

I think that this is such an important question. Engage students in science is very important, especially girls. I think it is so important to relate science to their lives, this will help engage them. 

Michael Massad Michael Massad 3120 Points

A great resource for girls (or boys really) is Here's the link: Their mission is to encourage girls to explore STEM and consider careers in STEM. Right now, they have a great promotion going on called DeSTEMber - where each day in December they post a new STEM activity. I'm in Austin, Texas. They came to our Science Night and worked with girls and boys on a great aerodynamics challenge. 

Julie Glass Julie Glass 680 Points

Dear Michael, I have been working my way through this whole thread and came upon your response to Amber. Thank you so much for sharing this resource. I just did a quick review and it looks wonderful. I look forward to giving it more attention, to see all that I can find there. However, I didn't want to forget my thanks to you. Best, Julie G.

Maria Avella Maria Avella 500 Points

Getting girls involved in science can sometimes be difficult.  I am guilty of being a girl that never really showed much interest in science.  However, when I took Chemistry in high school I LOVED it.  Although I loved it mainly because there was math involved, my teacher did fun activities that were impossible to dislike.  For example, we made ice-cream.  Doing this activity made the subject so much more enjoyable.  Also, in addition to activities, games are very fun for both boys and girls.  If at the end of a lesson you want to do a review game, you can divide the class boys vs. girls.  This can make the girls be more competitive because they want to beat the boys.  Dividing the boys and girls will ensure that all of the girls in the group are participating rather than if the groups were mixed the boys would have the opportunity to take over.  Keep fun in mind when teaching science if you want involvement, no one can refuse fun!

Diana Santos Diana Santos 275 Points

I usually have my students in groups of 4 or 5; every week they are assigned a different role.  When the girls are the leaders of the team, they become more engaged.  They call themselves mini-scientist or teachers.

Taylor Anspach Taylor Anspach 255 Points

Hello, I think that science is easy to get students involved with if you make it fun and educational at the same time. To get girls more involved I think it's important to understand that their interests may be different than guys. Think about activities that are good for both genders! 

Katrina Munoz Katrina Munoz 345 Points

I myself was always interested in science, more so the science experiments. I feel that in order to get kids interested in science it is important to implement activities and projects that ask that they get out of their chairs and move around. Breaking them out of the monotonous routine of the classroom as well as a change in scenery will also help spark their interest in the activity at hand. As for sparking girls interest in Science, I have found that their lack of interest is mostly due to the stereotype that boys are better at math and science and girls are more suited for reading and writing. While studies have proven that this is not the case, it is important to foster that idea of equality among all subjects in your classroom. it would also help to have assignments that are either gender neutral or can be tailored to accomodate boys and girsl in their own unique ways!  Hope this helped!  Katrina munoz 

Lindsey Gant Lindsey Gant 210 Points

I think these were all really great ideas about how to get girls engaged in science.  I think it is important we get all of our students engaged in science. 

Amanda Yeaman Amanda Yeaman 635 Points

After looking at all of these ways to get girls more involved in science, these ways are very good. I have to say that when I was in school, I did not really like science. However, had my teachers tried some of these ways I feel that I might have been more interested in science.

Donna Hawkins Donna Hawkins 5500 Points

I teach eighth grade science and STEM for sixth and eighth grade. My 6th grade girls are so much more engaged in class compared with my eighth grade girls. It is such a challenge to foster and maintain an interest in science and engineering with girls. I agree with many of you, working in groups and providing lots of inquiry helps. Also, I have found that homogeneous grouping during labs and STEM projects helps, groups of all girls or all boys. When I have heterogeneous groups, usually one of the boys takes the leadership role. However, homogeneous groupings helps girls develop leadership skills. 

I agree with many of the posts. All students, male or female, will get engaged if they are enthusiastic and motivated about what their doing. I am a student currently, but work full time at a school. From experience I can tell students learn most, and are most engaged) when activities are relate-able to their day-to-day lives. Don't be afraid to get messy. Take students outside. The lessons I remember most from all of my years in school are the ones where I was hands-on learning and that goes for any subject. Best wishes to you!

Maxine Dibert Maxine Dibert 1355 Points

Check out the Association of Women in Science website, I recently discovered this website and immediately became a member. They let you know of events happening in your area that support finding ways to get girls involved in STEM activities and careers. Good Luck!

Maxine Dibert Maxine Dibert 1355 Points

Luckily my district has purchased FOSS kits and they are awesome to get all students engaged in science. Another science program I discovered recently is Engineering is Elementary. This program includes fictional stories to go along with the engineering activity. The activities are engaging and kids don't even realize they are doing math and science. Maybe your district will help with costs or look into getting a small grant to purchase the kits you need.

Brittany Pierre Brittany Pierre 315 Points

I work at an arts school and integrating arts into the curriculum has helped a lot with girls and boys being more involved with the lessons. It is really easy to integrate arts into the science curriculum. The stude