The Center for Gifted Studies_November 2024


Forums / Earth and Space Science / Astronomy Sky Guide

Earth and Space Science

Astronomy Sky Guide

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Erwin Sanchez Erwin Sanchez 558 Points

Hello! I wanted to share a great resource that’s completely free and perfect for your students to explore on their mobile devices. It’s called Sky Guide.

Sky Guide is an app that helps you explore the night sky. Just point your phone at the sky, and it shows you the stars, planets, constellations, and satellites in real time. It uses augmented reality to overlay names and details, so you can easily identify what you’re seeing.

The app also alerts you about meteor showers, space station flyovers, and other cool events. It works offline using your phone’s sensors and GPS, making it a handy tool for stargazing anywhere. Sky Guide is loved for its easy-to-use design and beautiful visuals.

Courtney Grey Courtney Grey 235 Points

I love this resource! Thank you for sharing this! Using this in a lesson on earth and space would really help get students interested in what is right outsidetheir doors, while also presenting them with oppurtunities to explain to those around them what they have learned! I imagime students would love to use this! I plan to download it now!

Erwin Sanchez Erwin Sanchez 558 Points

Yes! My students love it! We can also use it even in the middle of the day. 

Christine Rose Christine Rose 1667 Points

I think this app would be perfect to show my students that even though it is bright outside the stars do not go away, we just can't see them right now. Thank you for sharing this resource!

Erwin Sanchez Erwin Sanchez 558 Points

You are very much welcome! Yes, the good thing about this app is that we can use it even if the sun is bright we can still see the stars through our mobile phones. 

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