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Forums / Elementary Science / Changes in Matter

Elementary Science

Changes in Matter

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Angela Coleman Angela Coleman 85 Points

I am a pre-service teacher getting ready to teach an engineering lesson to Second Graders. They will be conducting experiments regarding a physical change and a chemical change. The goal is to change the misconception that "Boiling and evaporation is irreversible". I will show that some changes are reversible following the standards of measuring matter.  Does anyone have any advice on how to make this lesson successful? 

Jeff Torrance Jeff Torrance 560 Points

Don't boil water. Not in a second grade classroom. Melt ice. Do it on a scale so they see that the weight does not change. Then go and freeze it again and check the weight the next day . Physical change like moving Plasticine around making it thinner but not taking any away is important to their understanding. They should be able to see that the shape changes but the mass does not. Chemical changes like adding colour or dissolving sugar in acid or water then evaporating the water away might also yeild long term success. nad you can make cool sugar crystals.

Betty Paulsell Betty Paulsell 48560 Points

Jeff, Thank you for the nice simple physical and chemical changes to do with early learners. I can certainly use these is an upcoming workshop I will be doing. Betty

Ashli Wells Ashli Wells 945 Points

The kids love seeing the changes in matter. They find it exciting to see how things change.

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