Vernier Science Education_Main Pages_January 2025


Forums / Life Science / Astronomy Night

Life Science

Astronomy Night

Author Post
Emma Sarcar Emma Sarcar 240 Points

Has anyone ever hosted an astronomy night during which students and families can use school materials to view constellations? How'd it go? Is their anything to be weary of? 

Megan Doty Megan Doty 11857 Points

Hi Emma, An astronomy night sounds like a lot of fun and very engaging for families! I found this article in the Learning Center from another teacher who planned a similar event and they give some ideas for activities and sessions you could implement. Check it out here: I'm curious if anyone else has hosted such an event and has ideas/tips for a successful time for everyone involved? And Emma, please let us know how it goes! -Megan

Isis Mena Isis Mena 3600 Points

I love this idea! I have seen astronomy night done in college campuses but not on the elementary level. I believe the students will be extremely involved in activities involving astronomy and a night can be used as a review for Earth science.

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