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General Science and Teaching

First Grade Science Lesson

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Caroline Cummings Caroline Cummings 160 Points

I am currently working towards a degree in Elementary Education and am required to teach a first grade science lesson. If you have any exciting topics or lessons I would love your advice!

Katarina Hernandez Katarina Hernandez 445 Points

Hi!! I did a 5E Lesson on the solar system. The students enjoyed the topic. You can also do it on solids, liquids, and gas which is another lesson they enjoy or on plants.

Allison Hiestand Allison Hiestand 20 Points

I observed a science lesson in one of my field placements over camouflage. The teacher introduced the concept of camouflage to her first graders and asked why animals use it. My teacher used a moth as an example and how it uses camouflage to hide from predators. She gave each student a moth cutout and told students to camouflage it around the room. For example, my teacher has a red cloth in her classroom and she colored her moth red and taped it to the cloth. Once students camouflaged their moth, she had students look around to find each others. The students really enjoyed the activity and learned a lot too! Hope this helps! Allison

Karina Herrera Karina Herrera 485 Points

Hello Caroline! An interesting science lesson that you could do with first graders would be over living and nonliving things. It is very interesting during the engage portion of a science lesson to hear students talk about what they think are living and nonliving things. Also to help students get a better understanding of living and nonliving things look into books that go over the topic such as Living and Nonliving by Abbie Dunne. Additionally, look into bringing objects and allowing students to explore and question if the object or thing is living or nonliving. Good luck and hope this helps!

Danielle Norton Danielle Norton 2745 Points

Hey Caroline!

I am in a science methods course right now, and we are creating a unit plan. Our unit plan focuses around a phenomenon that we simply brainstormed about, looked for, and then created our lesson around. Our specific lesson was for third graders, and it used the phenomenon of giraffes with short necks and giraffes with long necks. We were working in the standard area of heredity, and we wanted to show them an example of how giraffes inherit different characteristics, just like humans. We also wanted them to start to visualize how microevolution works via the differences in neck sizes. The unit plan is based upon a 5E lesson plan, but each lesson is one of the E's. The first lesson was solely about engaging them in the phenomenon, and then we worked on the rest from there. Ultimately, I think if you search for a phenomenon that seems intriguing, you can't go wrong! Students are so curious, so I would suggest letting them learn based off of their own inquiry rather than listening to a lecture. 

Hollie Mathews Hollie Mathews 2075 Points

Hi Caroline! I am a senior at the University of Northern Iowa currently working toward the same major as yours. A few weeks ago, I was fortunte enough to teach a kindergarten science lesson at an elementary school. Although it was kindergarten and not first grade, I think the topic would be just as exciting. The lesson was over venus fly traps and their unique characteristics when it comes to their needs. The kids got a chance to explore and be engaged by all sorts of different plants and relate those plants to the venus fly trap. The kids loved the lesson and you could make the lesson all your own! Good luck in your endeavors! 

Rachel Bronson Rachel Bronson 2890 Points

Hi Caroline,

I'm Rachel Bronson and I'm a senior at the University of Northern Iowa majoring in Early Childhood Education. In the fall semester of this year I had the opportunity to work in a first grade classroom. Unfortunately I did not notice any science being taught, however many of the students were asking me questions regarding science topics. Some of the topics that they were interested in include the solar system, the plant cycle, and marine animals! I think that any lessons surrounding these topics would be both fun and engaging for your students. However, I think it would be best to talk with some of your students to get an idea of what they are interested in learning about! 

I hope the lesson goes well for you!

Rachel Bronson

Mackenzie Laven Mackenzie Laven 3585 Points

Hello Caroline, 

I am Mackenzie Laven and I am attending The University of Northern Iowa and in a science methods course. Within this class, we are putting together a mini-unit of lessons dealing with one topic. My group is doing our lessons over plants and their different characteristics they have within living in different habitats. I think it was a really good idea because it can be something that is hands-on in dealing with plants and can get many different activities out of it. We were lucky enough to get to teach one of the lessons within our mini-unit and the students loved it. We brought in real plants from the desert and rainforest habitat to have students look at very closely to explain the different characteristics these two different plants and how they survive in their certain habitat. It was really cool to see what students came up with and their minds thinking about different plant attributes. More of our lessons include having them make their own plant out of materials we bring in to understand why these plants have these characteristics to survive. We also have them creating books over a certain plant in habitat and what attributes it has to protect itself. I hope you enjoy these ideas and introduce your students to plants in different habitats and learn and teach all the fun characteristics plants have. 

Virginia E Lopez Virginia E Lopez 1125 Points

I did a lesson on food cycles. It was a 5E, I would recommend that you take a lot on 5E because it is hands on and students are thinking through out the lesson.

Marissa Berger Marissa Berger 3819 Points

Hello Virginia, That is a great lesson idea. The food cycle helps teach about nutrition within the science content. The 5E is a very helpful tool to have in a lesson plan because, in my opinion, I have found it helpful to make sure I have gotten all the aspects of a lesson. My students and their learning are my main priority so I want them to get the most out of my lessons. Great job!

Madison Calleiro Madison Calleiro 345 Points

Hi! I did a 5E lesson plan on living and nonliving things, as well as the needs of living organisms and the first grade students whom I worked with were very interested in learning this! Also, parts of a plant by having them grow a plant is great!

Roxana Castillo Roxana Castillo 575 Points

I recently worked on a lesson plan for parts of a plant, and having them grow a plant is such a great idea! I think the students would have so much fun with that! Definitely will be adding it to my next lesson plan! 

Betty Paulsell Betty Paulsell 48560 Points

When studying the states of matter make Oobleck with your students. Just look up Oobleck on the internet and you will find the recipe.

Darlyng Trujillo Darlyng Trujillo 421 Points

Good afternoon Caroline, In relation to your forum, I wanted to share that I recently have created a 5E lesson on living and nonliving things. I will begin by engaging my students with an informative book called "Living or Nonliving?" by Abbie Dunne. After reading the book, I will create an open discussion and a circle map with the students to verify what they know or will learn during the reading time. As a class we will go over a pre-made anchor chart to distinguish living and nonliving things. In addition, for the elaboration area of my lesson I will create a fun hands-on activity. The students will sort multiple items given in a bag into two separate buckets with labels of living and nonliving. At the end, I will verify what students learned overall and they will need to complete a living/nonliving sort. You can replace the book with a video if you would like to use technology instead. Video: Hope my lesson helps you, have a wonderful day.

James Johnson James Johnson 95318 Points

Hi Danielle!  I don't know if this is useful, but the San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research sent me a link for classrooms to participate in citizen science giraffe research called Wildlife Kenya Citizen Science Project that might be fun for your class if you are still on that  unit.

Best of luck.  jj

Natalie Skalla Natalie Skalla 2040 Points

Hi Caroline, I took a class this semester that was my science methods and we had to create a science lesson. My group and I created a 5E lesson plan covering the phenomenon of animals using camouflage. It was an interesting topic to my students because there able to use lots of inquiry throughout the lessons and had lots of visuals which sparked interest. We started the lesson off focusing on chameleons and how they use camouflage with different things like surviving, hiding, or eating. We moved on throughout the lessons introducing other animals that use camouflage in similar ways. Finding animals like leopards or the snowy owl who don’t actually change color but still use the concept of camouflage to survive the way chameleons do. We included a fun activity using blank coloring sheets of chameleons giving each student a different area or region to color the chameleon how they would look using camouflage in that area. All the students enjoyed it and were able to work alone in doing so.

Ashley Edaburn Ashley Edaburn 1090 Points

I did a 5E lesson plan on interdependent relationships in ecosystems. The phenomena I choose for this mini unit was how animals use the trait camouflage to survive and thrive in their environments. One idea I covered was the idea of animals that use camouflage and what they use it for. Another idea I covered was going over what the students had learned about chameleons and blending into their environment to introduce other animals that have similar qualities. 

Zachary Johnson Zachary Johnson 1075 Points

Hi Ashley,

I am a future teacher, and I really like this unit and am interested to see what other activities you have used or know of that pertain to animals using camouflage. Also have you ever used this lesson to branch off into the topic of reasoning for certain patterns of animals like the stripes one a bee? 

George Mehler George Mehler 1775 Points

Hello fellow science teacher,
I am replying you behalf of Funsciencedemos YouTube Channel that is home to hundreds of free videos for ideas for teachers and students to recreate in the classroom. Science is our passion and we are so excited to share our engaging, kid-teacher-parent friendly, and interactive lessons with you to use in the classroom or at home. Our videos adhere to the common core science standards, encompass a wide variety of science concepts, and are specifically geared toward younger learners. All videos on the FunScienceDemos channel come with an English subtitle that can be translated into almost any language, making science lessons accessible virtually any place in the world.  
We encourage you check it out and spread the word! We post new science videos once a month, please subscribe our channel.
The FunScienceDemos Team

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