Your concern about the lack of science instruction time in the classroom, is a concern that many preservice teachers have. It is unfortunate that schools are not allowing time for science, as science helps students grow in so many ways. I am a preservice teacher as well, at the University of Northern Iowa. We have discussed this issue and I can share with you what I have learned so far. The best way to teach your students about science, when the school is not alloting time to do so, is to integrate science into your reading, writing, and math. Find literature science books and discuss science vocabulary, etc. Have students write a short story about animals, with a background of a science topic. You can integrate science into math by having students use data from a science topic while creating graphs, line plots, etc. Teachers should take the time to find or create lesson plans that have science integrated into them, to ensure that students are learning about science as well as reading, writing, math, and social studies, as they are all important for students to learn about.