LEGO Education - October 2024


Forums / Life Science / Understanding Through Games

Life Science

Understanding Through Games

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Clayton Bosch Clayton Bosch 350 Points

Reading this article was extremely educational for me. Learning about new standards of teaching and how we can effectively teach them is incredible. I agree that this can be a tough concept to understand at a young age, and that using story-like games is an effective way to learn. Using games or interactive options in teaching more complex topics can increase the chance of understandment. Allow for more in-depth understanding in the future. 

Sydney Lane Sydney Lane 1690 Points

This was a great article! Very interesting and informational!

Gabriela Lazalde Gabriela Lazalde 600 Points

My favorite form of taking a test in elementary was kahoot! I think we can all agree that students learn the best when they are fully engaged in the activity and a game is a great example. 

Annette Cruz Annette Cruz 485 Points

I am always open to using interactive games in a science classroom! Reflecting on how I remember being taught science, students need to be engaged in their learning. I think science is a subject where students can easily be lost in their learning through constant lectures. I loved taking a look at the article because the game made learning science so immersive! I think immersive learning experiences for students is a phenomenal approach for students to meaningfully learn science, which gives them a better chance at applying and extending their knowledge outside the classroom. I am definitely making a note about this article for future science lessons!

Allison Krebs Allison Krebs 415 Points

This sounds like such a fun and engaging activity! I love how students are able to explore these concepts while also engaging with one another. I really want to provide my own students with rich learning experiences like this!

Alyssa Frederick Alyssa Frederick 30 Points

I really enjoyed reading this article and other suggestions in the forum! The idea of a narrative seeming game is such a great way to get students engaged and interested. I may use this in my future student teaching placement whereas I will be teaching zoology and environmental science! I also plan on incoporating Kahoots because they have shown to be effective in former classrooms I have been in. 

Erica Gilliam Erica Gilliam 165 Points

I definitely agree that this article was fantastic with incorporating a game to have the students engaged! I believe this experience will stick with them longer and help them better understand the topic more rather than with worksheets and such.

Gloria Field Gloria Field 10 Points

how we can effectively teach them is incredible. I agree that this can be a tough concept to understand at a young age

Maudilee Trull Maudilee Trull 1795 Points

This is such a great resource! This will be engaging for students of all ability levels. 

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