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Earth and Space Science

Argument-Driven Inquiry in Earth and Space Science

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Gregg Alex Gregg Alex 60 Points

Has anyone tried using this new book from NSTA? I just tried the first lab. Its pretty tough. I don't see how a 6th-grader could do them. So, I feel like I'm not reading or interpreting it right. Anyone know where there might be some supplemental information for teachers, like some example solutions? I think the authors have left way too much ambiguity about how these labs should look in the end.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,


Cris DeWolf Cris DeWolf 11975 Points

I did recently purchase a copy of this book, and will be using it this summer as I create more NGSS-focused units and lessons for our ESS program at my high school. I teach at a boy's science and advneture camp in PA in the summer, and will be trying some of the materials from the book with my campers. I will come back to this post and share any insights later this summer.

Donna Walsh Donna Donna Walsh 280 Points

Hi Gregg and Cris,


I recently purchased the book.  I was so energized reading through the introduction, excited for a new way of teaching. I shared the book and introduction with my 3 PLC Earth Space Science teachers.  They were interested but as we got talking, we began to think that the concept is great but even our freshman students are not at a level where they can do these labs. It seems like students really need to be learning these argument driven skills before they get to high school in order to truly use them for these labs. I have difficulty with kids who can't use a metric ruler or meter to measure length, they are not at the critical thinking higher level that these labs seem to require.  Good luck, and I'll check back to see how everyone is doing.


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