Adam Equipment - October 2024


Forums / Chemistry / Flipped Chemistry Classroom


Flipped Chemistry Classroom

Author Post
Olivia Phillips Olivia Phillips 450 Points

Hi all! I am Olivia Phillips, a second year at Wartburg College, looking to become a secondary education teacher. I am wondering if anyone has any thoughts or examples on a flipped classroom in Chemistry? A flipped classroom is when students watch the lesson at home, then complete activities and 'homework' in class, while being able to ask questions. Are there any particular lessons that you feel work well with that type of studnet interraction? Were there any concerns? I would love to hear any suggestions, thank you!

Mary Edmonds Mary Edmonds 40 Points

I think a flipped classroom would be interesting to try, my only concern is that some of the students may not have the drive or motivation to watch the content or lecture while at home especially if it more on the abstract side, then you might end up spending more time reteaching the content in class. In a non-covid year this would probably work well with most experiments and it would be a good precusor to how lectures and labs are split in college. 

Jill Bailer Jill Bailer 905 Points

I've just found which allows you to upload a video, ask questions about at a specific time in the video and doesn't allow the students to move on until they have answered the video.  Of course, students will alway find a work around but this seems to be a good solution to making sure the students watch the video.

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