Vernier Science Education - August 2024 p2


Forums / Elementary Science / Intergrating experiments in teaching

Elementary Science

Intergrating experiments in teaching

Author Post
Tara Roman Tara-Taiz Roman 4270 Points

Hi I'm Tara I am a junior in college and was wondering if anyone had advice on doing more expirements in the classroom with younger students.

Ashley Canny Ashley Canny 1480 Points

Make sure that you establish expectations with your students before ever introducing the activity. Try creating community expectations that the students contribute to so that they have some accountability over them. Plan way ahead for experiements and make sure you have the facilities available. Allow for plenty of time and plan for multiple days. Time is super hard to come by in an elementary classroom so if it is broken up over several days, it is perfectly fine and normal. Make sure that the task is developmentally appropriate and a worthwhile task.

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