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Forums / Elementary Science / 4th Grade Science

Elementary Science

4th Grade Science

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Macaulay Snyder Macaulay Snyder 725 Points

Hello! Starting in the fall will be my first year having my own classroom. I definitely want to incorporate science into my classroom in a positive and effective way. I am going to have fourth graders and I would love any advice, resources, or ideas that you have to offer. Thank you! :)

Kevin Podeweltz Kevin Podeweltz 3235 Points

This is my 5th year in 4th grade- and I didn't know that I would be teaching science when I went to school for a Social Studies minor. Last year applying and going to the Mickelson Exxonmobile Teachers Academy taught me so much more about teaching science. We do so many more investigations have see the connectedness of science. Use the 5Es Model and have 'scientist meetings' Best Wishes!

Kathy Renfrew Kathleen Renfrew 37278 Points

Hello Macaulay, How exciting that you will be teaching 4th grade science? Fourth grade was one of my favorites. You are entering the field in an exciting time for science. There is the new research coming from the Framework for K-12 Science Education ( a must-have ) and free download as well as spending some time exploring the Next Generation Science Standards and there is no better place to do that than. Please feel free to private message me , i would love to helpin any way I can. Kathy

Mariam Kassas Mariam Kassas 890 Points

Hello Macaulay, I hope your first semester of teaching has been wonderful. I'm currently doing my student-teaching, and I've been working with 4th graders. I'd love to share some ideas with you. First off, lesson planning (whether in 5E of Madeline Hunter, whatever model you prefer) is your new best friend! By lesson planning, I mean considering every aspect of your lesson, laying out your strategies, anticipating what you could be challenged with, and having backup plans. Knowing exactly what you're going to do in a lesson, and in science in particular, will help you make quick modifications if and when you're faced with challenges - which is guaranteed to happen.  Also, reflecting on my every single teaching experience has also made it easier for me to anticipate my future teaching experiences. You don't need to write long reflections in a journal, but giving yourself honest feedback and examining the factors that made your lessons go one way or the other will show you a whole new way of effectively planning future lessons. I find it incredibly helpful to watch experienced teachers in their classrooms, and I take away so much from every exposure. This website was part of my elementary-science course, and is now part of my list of resources that I regularly refer to. Another resource that I find incredibly helpful with science planning and integration is through this STEM website. It gives excellent inquiry-based teaching strategies and suggestions, videos, and even lesson plan ideas! I hope you will find these website helpful! Good luck! Mia

Elizabeth Cooke Elizabeth Cooke 7245 Points

Hello, Showing discrepant events is a great way to generate discussions. I have student monitors that I can lab assistants to set up and conduct the class demonstration. For example, a candle lit on a saucer then covered with a jar demonstrates pressure.

Alaka Devi Alaka Devi 1680 Points

You can check out for excellent lesson plans and ideas for 4th grade science.

Eric Roth Eric Roth 3395 Points

Thanks for the resource. Great lesson plans.

Debra Norby Colgate Debra Norby Colgate 1410 Points

Use science notebooks! I know there are a lot of resources on this site, but there are numerous sites on the web. Good Luck! I love 4 th grade! Deb

Mary Hill Mary Hill 160 Points

Using science notebooks is a great way to get kids involved, and it lets them know that they have something of their own. It will make them feel like "mini scientists". Maybe also show them some examples of famous scientists' notebooks, to show that notebooks are very important when it comes to science.

Jessica Kim Jessica Kim 370 Points

Hi Macaulay, Congrats on your first classroom! I am currently in the credential program and during my science class we are learning a lot of different ways on how to teach young students science so that it is engaging and motivating. One thing we do is use composition notebooks. This allows us to take notes and jot down all our ideas. Another important aspect to look at when planning your science lesson is to be sure you have a well planned anchoring event. Having a good anchoring event can really hook the students and get them to want to learn more!

George Mehler George Mehler 1775 Points

Hi Macaulay, Congratulations on your first classroom! This is an exciting time. I may be able to help give you some resources to implement into your classroom time that will effectively incorporate science that the students will find engaging and fun. I have been creating a YouTube channel called FunScienceDemos that is home to hundreds of free video demonstrations that cover a variety of topics that young learners should know. Check it out and subscribe as we regularly release new videos. In the coming year we will also be adding supplemental materials such as readings, poems, worksheets, and math problems! Enjoy, Dr. George Mehler Ed.D., Temple University

Stephanie Romano Stephanie Romano 1345 Points

Hello! Congrats on your first classroom! I was looking around the internet for ideas for fourth grade classrooms and I stumbled upon this website ! It has pages of ideas for science experiments! I hope this helps!

Angie Escherich Angie Escherich 520 Points

Hi all, I will soon be starting my second semester of student teaching in the spring and I was assigned to fourth grade.   I think all these websites listed above will be helpful for me as I want to incorporate NGSS into what I am teaching.  Thank you, I hope to use some of these websites.

Brenda Velasco Mizenko Brenda Velasco 2695 Points

Hello, I taught 4th grade and currently am in 3rd. There are so many exciting opportunities for both these grades! At my school we did a project called Invention Convention where students have to plan and invent something. We've partnered up the Strider Bike company which is based here where I live and they come to speak to the students about how to come up with an invention as well as a little bit about patent law. They do have a STEM kit but it's kind of pricey..unless you can get your school to pay for it. We've never gotten one. Here is the link: Also, I have done several activities dealing with the Iditarod. They love following this and I've incorporated some weather units into this as well. Here is a link for the teacher on the trail: Hope you have a great school year.

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