Vernier Science Education_Main Pages_January 2025


Forums / Distance Learning / Distance Learning

Distance Learning

Distance Learning

Author Post
Aidee Sanchez Aidee Sanchez 540 Points

Now so many teachers are using technology and doing distance learning. There is some teachers who do not know how to use this technology. I believe that there needs to be some sort of seminar for these teachers that way students don't miss out on learning while doing distance learning. Is there any websites or in person seminars that will help these teachers? I think in the future knowing them, I can be able to help anyone that needs it.

Lara Lie Essay Adviser 10 Points

I totally agree with you!

Susan Ferguson Susan Ferguson 965 Points

I am a pre-service teacher and I agree that many pre-service teachers are aprehensive about using new and ever-changing technology in the classrooms! I know some schools, like MSTU offer courses designed to teach in classroom technology and help for new or pre-service teachers. Especially with distance learning so many teachers have been thrown into the 'learn as you go' route with new technology. There are some helpful tools and videos even on Youtube though that can help explain and gives examples to distance learning technologies and general classroom technology skills for teachers.

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