Carolina Kits 3D Bundles – January 2025


Forums / STEM / STEM activity


STEM activity

Author Post
Olivia Szpunar Olivia Szpunar 945 Points

Hello! I am a senior at Dominican University, looking for some STEM ideas for 2nd grade. My group is looking for fun ideas that students can design or engineer. Can anyone recommend any lessons that went well/were favored by students in past classes? Thank you!

Carolyn Mohr Carolyn Mohr 92751 Points

Hi Olivia,

Last fall I was teaching in a second grade classroom.  The district used an online publisher's curriculum.  The students would open the program up on their iPads to read the passages and complete digital worksheets.  There were also kits the schools could purchase with some equipment to allow hands-on investigations.  My students did a STEM project where they needed to design and build a prototype for a specialized bird beak to pick up food items that a specific bird might eat. There was a kit which was used from year to year.  But there is a similar lesson plan already written up in the NSTA library.

Here is that lesson plan:

There are so many STEM lesson plans at the NSTA website.  Best of luck finding one you and your group will enjoy working on together.


Prof. Mohr


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