Carolina Biological OSE - January 2025


Forums / Elementary Science / 5E Lesson on Weather and Climate

Elementary Science

5E Lesson on Weather and Climate

Author Post
Morgan Baumbach Morgan Baumbach 480 Points


My name is Morgan Baumbach and I am a pre-service teacher studying at Penn State. I am currently working on a lesson (in 5E format) about weather and climate. I have been utilizing the SciPack titled 'Ocean's Effect on Weather and Climate', which offers a lot of great information. I would love for guidance relating to activities that can be used in my lesson as well as any further advice regarding teaching this lesson in a classroom setting. 

Thank you!

Morgan Baumbach 

Gilberto Garcia Gilberto Garcia 1115 Points

Hello Morgan,

I glad you are using the 5E model. During my weather unit for the engage stage I like to show my students real tv forecasts and analize the information shared by meteorologists.  For the explain stage, I let my students put together their own severe weather forecast. Groups of 4 students: anchor, field meteorologist, studio meteorologist and community field reporter. Eeach of them will play and demosntrate what they have learned. Hope this helps.

Morgan Baumbach Morgan Baumbach 480 Points

Mr. Garcia,

Thank you so much for your insight! I am excited to utilize your ideas in a lesson plan of my own! 



Emily Walker Emily Walker 1044 Points

Mr. Garcia,

I recently did a 5E lesson plan over weather, specifially with the different clouds. I will be using your idea next time in incoorporating the tv forecasts. Children today probably don't actaully watch the weather like they use to. I think that it is a great idea! 


Thank you!

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