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a ping pong ball, a tub of water, a stick or other probing tool (to push), a cup of water (pour it near the ball to push it), a fan (moves the air to push it). Sucking the air or
using a straw to suck the air might work to pull it a bit.
Discuss motion and non-motion (the state of being still). Perhaps a game of freeze tag could help with this concept.
Place the ball in the tub of water (enough to make it float easily). Allow atudents to explore the uses of each of the "tools."
Tell them, "We are going to play a game."
Ask them how they can make the ball move without touching it with their hands. Explain that if the ball moves toward the "force" that is causing it to move, it is being pulled. If it moves away from the source of the force it is being pushed.
Vocabulary: Push, pull, force, motion, tools, float, stiil, move (add your own)
Concepts: Object will remain still until a force (or something) acts to move it (add others that apply).
Ideas: Revisit with discussion and pictures taken during the activity.
Post vocabulary next to the pictures that depict the meanings of the terms.
Homework: Students, using their vocabulary words will practice what they learned while taking a bath--use toys.