I am moving this year from a classroom teacher to a Pre-K, K,1,2 science teacher. This is a new position so the curriculum is my baby! I would love a map of the the standards for pacing for these grade levels. Does anyone know if this exists?
Carrie, I am happy to tell you that Model Content Frameworks which is still a level above curriculum design is being worked on by Achieve, and groups of teachers. it is just what you are looking for .I am part of the grade 4-5 team, but there is a K-1 and 2-3 team. I think these resources might be available later in the fall. I wouldn't worry about exactly the order you are doing things. I would make sure that you are providing coherent instruction that will help students meet the performance expectations. For example in K, one performance expectation is Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time. K-ESS2-1 What instruction might you provide? What literacy will you integrate? I can talk more about this if you are interested. Don't forget the upcoming web seminar series for K-5 teachers. I think you will find it very worthwhile.You can register by going to NSTA Web Seminars. Then look for upcoming web seminars and you will see a series of web seminars just for grades K -5. Kathy
Thank you for posting this! Very interesting!!
This was a very informative post. Although I am not a teacher yet, this was a great read. Thanks for the advice.
Hi Carrie, The NGSS does an excellent job of providing what students should know when they exit these grade levels. Also, I love the grade strand maps that are part of the AAAS Atlases. The NSTA Learning Center's SciPacks contain pedagogical Implications sections and the appropriate AAAS Atlas strand maps for each grade band by subject matter is included there. I hope this helps and bed of luck in your new position. Sounds like a fun new job :-) Carolyn
Carrie- I have just recently begun to study my SciPacks, and I have really noticed how powerful the pedagogical implications are. I especially enjoy how they are broken down into grade bands. As an elementary teacher (and as a mother of young children) I appreciate knowing where to look to provide the appropriate level of instruction to all of my kids! Naomi Beverly
The new NSTA Early Childhood Science Education position statement will provide some guidance. It is for preK and can be partnered with the older Elementary School Science position statement.
Carrie- Here's a link to the AAAS Atlas: http://www.project2061.org/publications/atlas/ It has sample maps and you can download a Power Point presentation. I am just learning this resource, so I am excited about that. All the best this year. Naomi Beverly
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