Adam Equipment - October 2024


Forums / Pre-service Teachers / Classroom management

Pre-service Teachers

Classroom management

Author Post
Amelia Guerra Amelia Guerra 150 Points

Hello, my name is Amelia Guerra i want to be a bilingual elementary teacher i am currently attending UTRGV. I would want advice on classroom management, i think thats the only thing i would stress about going into a classroom and not be able to manage the classroom behavior.

Marlen Garcia Marlen Garcia 740 Points

Hi, my name is Marlen Garcia, I worked for the Hildalgo County Head Start Program for 15 years. What helped me with classroom management is I would provide simple and clear expectations to the students. Review classroom rules daily and post them with visuals where the children can see them. Be consistent with your expectations and praise your students when you notice that they are following the rules. Always keep it simple and clear and also the first-days model for them what you expect from them. 

Merissa Taylor Merissa Taylor 315 Points

Hi Amelia! I am Merissa! I am currently getting my bachlors in Elementary education, but I got to observe and spend more than 50 hours this semester with a learning imersion class. In this class, they taught ELA and Social Studies in english and then they taught Math and Science in Spanish. I was very lucky when I was placed in this classroom because the students have been together since 5k in this program and they were now in 5th grade. Most of the students had spanish as their first Language and the teacher was from Brazil! I was very lucky because these students were VERY well behaved. More than any other class that I have seen and worked with before. I asked my CT how she did this and she told me her secrets. She explained to me that you need to DRILL all of the procedures at the beginning of the year. She said that she also would set her expectations and wouldnt change them. She told me before you start to be friendly or comfortable to your class, they need to understand your rules, your procedures, and to respect you. I hope that this helped you a little bit! Good Luck! 

Mary Lynn Hess Mary Hess 13463 Points


I think classroom management is a hot subject for any teacher. If you are starting a new year, I recommend having the students help brainstorm norms/expectations. This way they feel a part of the process in establishing a community for success. OpenSciEd is an excellent resource. See attachment. 

Good luck.



OpenSciEd Classroom Norms (External Website)

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