Carolina Biological OSE - August 2024p2


Forums / Elementary Science / Lesson Review Opportunity-Support Needed

Elementary Science

Lesson Review Opportunity-Support Needed

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Toni Osterbuhr tonya osterbuhr 960 Points

I am nervous and excited at the same time to post a few lessons for review. My goal is to be conceptually correct regarding concepts. I have K-5 lessons but would like to start with a 3rd and 4th grade lesson!!! So, all input appreciated, but most importantly ideas for teacher notes would be amazing to deepen understanding. okay, so here...goes....  Thanks, Toni O.-Wichita, KS

Jennifer Maher Jennifer Maher 1205 Points

I only looked at the fourth grade lesson, but it looks pretty solid.  I like the challenge you set forth with the "Engage" component of the lesson, and I like how everything you need for materials can be found right on campus. The SciPack for Forces and motion might have some simulations that you could add to the "Elaborate" stage, or even offer it as an "Extension" Great Job!

Toni Osterbuhr tonya osterbuhr 960 Points

Thanks so much!!! :)

Mariam Kassas Mariam Kassas 890 Points

Hello Toni, I really enjoyed reading your 4th grade science lesson plan. I chose that one because I've been working with 4th graders during my student-teaching semester, and one of my major courses was Elementary Science. I created and developed an elaborate lesson plan and delivered a great lesson, and so viewing your lesson was very relevant. My fist comment on your lesson plan is on the engagement part of your lesson. From working with my 4th graders, I found that the more "engaging" this activity is, the more likely you are to generate curiosity and interest - which are the two most important factors that you need to generate before you deliver new content. Once your students make a personal connection to the activities and the objectives of a lesson, your role automatically changes from "teacher" to "facilitator", and your students will become more active in constructing their own knowledge. My suggestion for you would be to add a more dynamic element to the engagement. Instead of asking your students to think and reflect, offer them with a physical activity to experience, and maybe then ask them to write their thoughts. By doing so, your students will be very curious to see where the lesson is going, and will use their prior knowledge to support their learning. I hope you will find this comment helpful. Good luck! Mia

Toni Osterbuhr tonya osterbuhr 960 Points

Great idea!! I feel like I lean on quick youtube videos or questions to stimulate thinking Thanks so much!

Kim Duba Kim 380 Points

I also did a hands on lesson relating to structural adaptations.  I set up different stations around the room and had students argue which adaptations would work well in a certain environment.  My students loved it!  Attached is my lesson plan feel free to use anything you would like! Good Luck!


Toni Osterbuhr tonya osterbuhr 960 Points

awesome!!! thanks so much!

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