Hello Toni,
I really enjoyed reading your 4th grade science lesson plan. I chose that one because I've been working with 4th graders during my student-teaching semester, and one of my major courses was Elementary Science. I created and developed an elaborate lesson plan and delivered a great lesson, and so viewing your lesson was very relevant.
My fist comment on your lesson plan is on the engagement part of your lesson. From working with my 4th graders, I found that the more "engaging" this activity is, the more likely you are to generate curiosity and interest - which are the two most important factors that you need to generate before you deliver new content. Once your students make a personal connection to the activities and the objectives of a lesson, your role automatically changes from "teacher" to "facilitator", and your students will become more active in constructing their own knowledge.
My suggestion for you would be to add a more dynamic element to the engagement. Instead of asking your students to think and reflect, offer them with a physical activity to experience, and maybe then ask them to write their thoughts. By doing so, your students will be very curious to see where the lesson is going, and will use their prior knowledge to support their learning.
I hope you will find this comment helpful.
Good luck!