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Teachers and families across the country are facing a new reality of providing opportunities for students to do science through distance and home learning. The Daily Do is one of the ways NSTA is supporting teachers and families with this endeavor.
Each weekday, NSTA will share a sensemaking task teachers and families can use to engage their students in authentic, relevant science learning. We encourage families to make time for family science learning (science is a social process!) and are dedicated to helping students and their families find balance between learning science and the day-to-day responsibilities they have to stay healthy and safe.
Each Daily Do has a collection of resources (most free) that you can use at home or in your classroom.
Use this discussion thread to share your impressions, questions, and ideas about NSTA's Daily Do and how you are using them with your family and students.
See All NSTA Daily Do
These are great! I am finding myself both teaching remotely and homeschooling my children. I will use the Daily Do informally to supplement my son's learning since all that has been provided by his teacher are worksheets with no engagement with the real world around him.
We have been taking daily walks with a different purpose each day. Today's purpose will be to spot living creatures on our walk and discuss how they choose their home (even though I'm late since this was last Thursday's Daily Do).
I have just learned about the Daily Do's from the webinar series on distance learning presented by the NSTA. I am excited to start implementing the Daily Do's but wonder how I access the e-books used in them, and how I make those e-books accessible to my students at home? Thanks for your help!
Ellen Samuelsen
The Daily Do's are superb and helpful for any child wanting extra help for their science class. These Daily Do's allow students to access basic topics that are science-related topics. Some of the topics that interest me are 'Why do some objects stick to the refrigerator?', 'How Does Our Neighborhood Provide for Its Wildlife?', and 'How can a helicopter fly on Mars?'.
Hello Flavio Mendez, Daily Dos are important for students because they should be engaged in learning science, and it should be fun. How much are the Daily Do resources, are there different prices, even though some are free?
Daily Do's are such an easy way to get students engaged and interested in what they are going to learn! As a substitute teacher, I have seen how eager students are to complete their daily do's because they see this as an academic challenge for themselves! This is an easy way to motivate your children at home as well. It is important that we incorporate a quick run through based on what the student has learned such as incorporating daily do's at home.
Will families be able to share their students work from home such as upload photos or documents of their childrens daily do's and share with their educators?
As a mom and a future teacher, I found The Daily Dos a great resource to guide teachers and parents different ways of teaching children. These lesson plans make it easy for parents to understand science and make it fun for the children.
Science has become a scary subject for many teachers, parents and students. The Daily Dos will help improve the wrong impression many have of the subject and make it fun and from the comfort of home. This is the best free science resource for everyone who need ideas and guidence teaching science.
Hi Flavio Mendez,
My name is Sarah Campbell and I am currently a third-year elementary education major at Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa. As I am enrolled in Science Methods right now, we are focusing on how to integrate more science into our curriculum and ways in which students learn best. At this time of uncertainty that we are currently in, this post could not have come at a more perfect time. Right now I have field experience and have found it be a concern for most teachers about the students who are at home, and if they are completing everything that is being asked. Sending the link to the NSTA Daily Do website to parents would be an efficient and easy way to get them on the same page and involved. When I was looking through the website, I thought it was a clever idea to have a 'for families' tab.
This website is a reference that I will keep in mind from now on because the topics of lesson plans that they have would keep the students engaged. I would make changes to the lesson plans provided based on the students, resources, and space that I have in my classroom. The lesson plans on the website also allow students to explore their learning and deepen their understand which is crucial. Overall, I think that every educator should have knowledge of this website and use it for a resource when implementing science into the classroom.
Thank you,
Sarah Campbell
As a future educator, summer nanny, and a very involved aunt, I was very excited to find this post. I am constantly looking for fun, educational activities to do with my nanny kids and my niece and nephew. These kids are very interested in the world around them, and finding activities to do like these helps me to encourage their investigations. I love the wide variety of activities that are addressed. I also like that there are different tabs from elementary, middle, high school, and family. This would allow for me to be able to always have access to activities as these kids continue to grow up and also allows for me to be able to have access to activities for my future classroom students and their families. This is a resource that I will be able to bookmark and come back to frequently for fun and engaging activities to keep my kids engaged in sciences their whole lives.
The daily do's that students, parents, and teachers have access to are amazing tools. It's a great way to keep your brain engaged in science, even through online learning!
The 'Daily Do's' or Do Now's is one of my go to's for distance learning also. Basically, a students can offer a synopsis of the previous days learning in a paragraph. During the classroom days, before March 17 (spring break) Do Now's were my thing at the start of each period. Do Now's reflect on the previous classes subject matter in a short concise manner that has students write down responces to questions that are usually on the whiteboard or on a slip of paper. This can lead to further discussion upon reviewing student responses for accurateness. Then, the opportunity to clear up misunderstandings or reteaching a subject altogether is made more apparent to the teacher. Daily Do, should be a 'go to' for any classroom that reflects upon previous days subject matter for post-understanding.
What a great resource! Sharing the Daily Dos will help to get students engaged and excited about science, even if they can't be in the classroom.
Thanks for sharing this resource!
My education classes often discuss how learning must be a social activity in order to generate intrinsic motivation for students to continue learning. Allowing students to work towards their own understanding of these complex topics by engaging them in class discussions will be a great asset in the classroom. I have enjoyed looking through each of the Daily Do prompts and I'm excited to try this out in the future.
-Becca Montgomery, preservice teacher, Wartburg College
I love the idea of these Daily Do's! I think that these are helpful for teacher and students as well as parents too! I was wondering if you have seen examples of people who have replied of videos that they have done to show you how well it went?
I enjoy that the Daily-Do's give parents, teachers, and students new information and ways to teach the information! I love that they change and you can find almost any resource you need.
I love the idea of taking big questions (because we all know that kids have an infinate amount of questions) and turning it into a learning experience. I kept finding myself clicking each To Do just becuase I myself found the question intriguing. One of the Daily Do's that I am going to implement in my After School program is 'Why Do We All Have to Stay Home?' Obviously it is relevant to the lives of students but what I really enjoyed about this lesson is that it takes something that could be considered scary for kids.. (ie the constant threat/ fear of thier schools closing, misinformation they heard at home or on tv, testing, quarantine, isolation) and it explains how these things are actually beneficial. Explaining covid in the classroom could help ease the anxiety around the disease and make it feel a little less terrifying. I feel like elementary schools (or at least just the schools I have observed) are not having these types of conversations about what is going on in the world around us and alot of schools are missing out on some really amazing teaching moments. We are all affected by covid, so why not take it as a collective learning experience too?
I really like the idea of the Daily-Dos because it gives the chance for parents, teacher, and students to have access tools that can be helpful for them to learn and how to teach it. For me personally, I didn't have a hands-on experience with science because the students are teaching virtually online. It's really hard to keep the students engage when teaching a lesson, and I don't want that for my studnets when I have my own classroom. Thank you for sharing the information.
I love that NSTA has come up with these weekly Daily Do's. These provide teachers and families with a variety of science collections that they can use to engage students in science learning. These virtual weekly opportunities remind me alot of weekly science questions or tasks that my teachers gave me when i was in elementary and highschool. I think that NSTA teachers need to make a collection of NSTA Daily Do's that they want to use in the future! Great resource!
Hello Flavio, I really found the idea of daily dos being important and effective for students to stay engaged to new learning objectives that they might keep in mind that they are relavent, and easy to make real world connections based off of them. Would you reccomend for me to base daily dos off what's going on currently throughout the world, or base them off of what the students already have a sudden interest for?
I am currently in my first year of the education program at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley and I just discovered NSTA this week! After browsing the website I found many Daily Do lessons or short activites that can be of great benefit to students, teachers, and families. Although I am not currently teaching, I would love to utilize Daily Dos once I begin my career. I believe that they promote engaging activites which students can utilize to expand their knowledge of science in fun ways! I love that NSTA offers a wide range of Daily Dos that cover various science concepts and topics. Moreover, due to the current pandemic our world is in, many students are learning virtually and as a result may become bored of the mundane zoom meeting. As a solution, teachers can incorporate a Daily Do into virtual instruction or even encourage parents to partake in Daily Dos with their children. Children learn best when their learning experiences are memorable. Daily Dos seem like the perfect opportunity for students to absorb new concepts and information in a fun and memorable way. I do have a question about Daily Dos. I wonder if it would be best to incorporate a Daily Do into instruction each day? I feel that it would be beneficial to do so because it gives the students something to look forward to each day. However, I feel that maybe students will grow tired and bored of them. Would it be a better option to provide a Daily Do every other day?
I just learned about the Daily Do by reading up on them. I think this is an amazing idea!!! Science is all around us, but many times especially as we get older, we stop questioning the why's of what is around us and we become complacent. The Daily Do is an awesome way to pique the students' interest and curiosity and make them question, predict, investigate, discuss,and reflect their findings. The Daily Do not only makes the student 'Do' science but it is also molding the student to question and think for themselves; something that is not only useful in science, but their in their lives.
Good afternoon,
Although I do not directly teach Science as I am an ESOL teacher, I feel Science is often 'forgotten' or does not have the same weight as Math or ELA. This is my first time with NSTA and the Daily Dos. I am excited to gain more resources to help my students as well as sharing with my colleagues.
Hello, I am new to NSTA and have recently been introduced to the Daily Do's. I find them fascinating, informative and an excellent source to use especially through out this pandemic. This allows students to almost have that close hands on experience that they might possibly be having depending on the concepts in the classroom setting. I think it is a great source that encourgaes family involvment that students might not be getting when in the classroom setting. I have always been drawn to science concepts and plan to broaden my knowledge through the use of this site.
I just learned about these wonderful Daily Do activities due do an assignment for a class I have, and I thought these Daily Do's are such an awesome way of getting the students involved and excited about science from home. As an education student, and a super involved aunt these made me so excited and I cannot wait to do one of these with my nephews, I just know they are going to love them.
Also, how many times do you suggest we do the Daily Do a week/day with our students?
Greetings Flavio, I am currently enroled in Science for Educators (BIOL 2320) at the University of Mary Hardin Baylor. Recently we had an assighnment about statements related to science. WE had to read an article from the NSTA website. I belive a few of the NSTA's Daily Do were listed on the statements list. I belive many of these NSTA's Daily Do will be incorperated into my classroom once I become a teacher. Looking forward to also involving my super adventurous nephew.
Hi everyone,
I did not know about the Daily do until now! Anyways, I really liked looking at some of them, because these are activities teachers could use for a lesson one day or to add on to what the class is learning. I see myself using this in the future.
I didn't even know that Daily Do's were a thing till today! I can not wait to implement them into my own classroom some day.
These Daily Do are so cool! As someone who is studying to be an Elementary Teacher finding ideas for quality lessons is always exciting!
This is the first time I hear about NSTA’s Daily Do’s. This resource is a great way to keep students engaged and educated during these crazy virtual times. I am currently a paraprofessional, and there are still many kids in my class who are virtual. Although we provide them al the resources needed to be engaged in the lesson, I always feel like there can be more done. These Daily Do activities are a perfect way to keep them excited about school and the subject of science.
I really liked the 'How can we tell what season it is?' lesson. It allows students to be able to do it either at school by giving the classroom opportunities to go outside and make observations. This lesson would also be a good one to use when there were more e-learning and Zoom calls taking place. Teachers could have used this in-between lessons when they see students getting easily distracted or unmotivated while doing work.
I thought that the Daily Do's are very cool and can't wait to use them.
I did not know about Daily Dos but I am glad that I do now! This will be very useful in my own classroom!
This is a great idea that I think so many people could benifit from!
It is the first time I learn about the Daily Dos. I believe it is a great resource for teachers, especially during this pandemic. I am currently a substitute teacher and I've seen many times that students keep getting worksheets, which becomes monotonous for children as they lose interest to learn. What motivated me most about science when I was in Elementary, was to be able to make experiments. Although with COVID-19 still around, these Daily Dos are a great way to give remote learning more engaging activities for students.
I love the Daily-Do's! I am struggling to get my teacher teams to include them in their lesson planning. As we are preparing to return to the classroom in the fall - I am confident that Daily-Dos are a great way to re-engage students and encourage hands on / exploratory science! I am open to suggestions from teacher leaders, as I am transitioning to School Performance Coach (leadership), on how to get Daily Dos into the classroom - give me your feedback!
I am an Elementary Education major at Wright State University. I love daily activities that I can do everyday with my class. I also love resources that parents can go over with their kids as well as teachers with their students.
Really You idea is good for all teacher and science student. we have should follow you idea every teacher in any place of world.Thank a lot sir.
This is an amazing way to keep students and their families involved in a safe and distanced way!
There are so many awesome free science resources on this website! I hope to implement some of the NSTA's Daily Do into my placement classroom.
Thank you so much for the post. With the current times we live in, it is important to have methods of teaching inside the classroom or virtually. The Daily Do is a great resource for that.
New member here and excited to learn more about the daily dos!
Hello Mr. Mendez, I love the idea that you created for the Daily Dos, its very important to find interesting ways to keep out students engaged and what better way then to use some of your Daily Do’s.
I did have a question though, with these activities I’m sure kids will be interested in going home and log in to their credentials. My question is, is there a way where students or parents can come in here and share their projects they did at home or anything from your Daily Do’s, since it also support families? I haven’t been able to see any shared at all.
thank you
-Ruth Cedillo
Reflecting on Week 1' Daily Do - check out the blog authored by Korei Martin summarizing the first week of NSTA Daily Do.
'If we want our students to do science outside of the classroom, we’ve got to give them something to figure out!'
Titles include:
Why do we all have to stay home?
What's in an egg?
How do we find patterns in weather?
Why is my shadow always changing?
Explore a Daily Do with your children/students today!
Take care.
Thank you for life changing resources for students and teachers. My Safari browser cannot find the link 'check out the blog' Could you update this?
I like the 'Why Do We All Have to Stay Home?' ad 'What's in an Egg?' Daily Do's. I work as a teacher candidate in a fifth grade classroom, and they have done egg drop experiments so that ties right in! The 5th grade students are split up into groups due to covid19 (1/3 kids come 2 days a week, a different 1/3 come 2 other days a week, the last 1/3 stays is all E-learning). Having this e-resource is something great to be able to give each kid in a link to refer to with their families or even access on their 1-to-1 technological device. My four-year-old son and I have also touched on these topics, since I am frequently asked why we have to stay home, or not hug, etc.
I like the 'Why do we all have to stay home?' Daily Do! I think that it gives us a great persepctive on what is happening around us right now. I think that it is important and crucial that we keep up with what is going on today especially because there are people who are more at risk than most.
This is awesome, great class starters. My classes are going to be in week 3 and I am always looking for new ways to bring science to them since I cannot be in a classroom with them.
Due to the virtual classrooms going on today, I have relied on designing my own Google Classroom with each day outlined clearly for my sciences (zoology, env. sci. and biology) but I have found a few extremely valuable web sites helpful: has sooo many resources that are printable with activities and exams too. Worksheets for following videos etc. Once all set on G. Classroom the teacher becomes more of a facilitator than a teacher, and students seem to appreciate the style of computer learning. One should always add in some hands-on activities to supplement the electronic learning to help support the more tactile learners.
Thank you for sharing the Daily Do's, I am going to start assigning these for my students to supplement the Amplify Science curriculum that I am currently using, which gets redundent.
I am going to start using these during our CORE/Homeroom class time. I was running out of ideas and this just gave me a ton of new concepts and ideas to work with.
So, I was just wondering if you ever did end up using this in your CORE/homeroom class time? If so, how did it go? Was there anything that you thought went well or did not go so well?
Hello, all of these ideas for remote learning are very helpful. Having a Daily Do will help teachers keep their students interest in the subject of science. This allows for students to use some extended thinking. This also ensures students are getting some of the same type of extended thinking practices at home. This makes it easier for the parents, by having the Daily Do's already created and ready to share. These could be used outside of remote learning as well! They could also be used to start the school day as morning work. Thank you for sharing these ideas!
These are great activities for students. It can also help parents get involved with their students work in a fun way.
Wow - this is a great resource. So glad this was put together so quickly, especially in light of COVID-19. I think one of the greater things I have seen come from this pandemic is that families with young learners have come together to work on school-administered content. One of the biggest content areas I've seen featured is science! This resource is a great way to get children engaged in what NSTA called 'sensemaking.' I especially love the content, such as the 'Why is our fruit turning brown?' Daily Do! When students see firsthand experiences of scientific principles in such a natural context, their understanding becomes that much deeper. This is a great tool that I will definitely pass on!
Such a great resource!! I am looking forward to utilizing it next year in my lesson planning with the PLC. Have already shared it with the department!!
I love the Daily Do's! I think they are extremely helpful to everyone, not just educators. The one that I was most impressed with was the 'Why do we all have to stay home' one, simply becuase I think that this is a topic that SO many people are struggling with right now. It's hard to explain to younger children why we have to stay home, and it seems that no matter what we do or say they just may not understand, so I love that this resource is available to others for the guidance!
I think Daily do are an awesome thing to incoporate inside a classroom or even at home. With this pandemic I think parents should consider daile do to get their kids excited about science.
If parents get an access to NSTA how can they mark their children's progress, or is there no way to do such thing?
As a future educator, seeing this page was awesome! In my school years, I did not have a lot of hands on experiences with science and I do not want that for my students. I want them to fully engage and enjoy themselves while learning about science. I love all of the ideas the Daily Do page gives! Thank you so much for sharing!
As a future teacher, I really enjoyed looking through this post and seeing all of the different lesson plans that this post has to offer. These are very fun and educations lesson plans and activities. I really enjoyed the wide range of lesson plans that there were to offer. This will be somethig I will be using when I am a teacher in the future, and maybe even this year as I am also participating in my feild experience!
I love that the education field is so collaborative and that educators want to help other educators succeed in being effective. This post as many different plans that would be very helpful! This is an excellent resource that I am so grateful to have as a future educator. I can't wait to get inspiration from these plans and create personalized ones that would work in my classroom and my field experience!
I'm a mother of a four year old, and currently working with 5th graders in my field work studying for Elementary Education! I'm loving these helpful resources to use for my future students and my own children! What a great compilation!
I love that this allows future educators to come together to share ideas and learn from each other. The Daily Do's provide helpful tips and lesson plan ideas that will definitely be implemented into my teaching career. It is a great resource to learn from.
I think the Daily Do's are great tools for educators to implement into their classroom and I think it is especially important right now. I's sure educators are struggling to find ways to make their lesson work in a virtual setting and i think these could help teachers find creative ways to teach their students. I would love to use these in my classroom when I become an educator.
I am still really enjoying all of the reasources that this discussion gives us, it is a great especially right now due to many schools having to teach both virtually and in person. This can be super helpful for teachers out there and future teachers!
As a future educator I love seeing all of these resources and discussion boards for teachers. I love finding communties of educators that are dedicated and passionate about helping and inspiring other educators.These are such wonderful resources that could be easy to implement into the classroom. I am considering subbing and these would a great resource of activities if they were needed.
Thank you for sharing information in regards to the Daily Do. We are currently providing an in-person instructor; however, this is an exceptional resource for quarantined students. With the threat of blended and remote learning, I have added several lessons to my collection for later use.
Thank you so much for sharng this amazing resource! I am finding so many wonderful resources on this website.
I really like some of the daily do's that deal with topics in Cancer cells and Henrietta Lacks. I plan to use these lessons when teaching Biology!
Thank you so much for sharing! I wish china has this good website. I really learned something from here!
The daily do's are helpful because educators can share their ideas during distance learning, which is a new concept for everyone. This is a great place to communicate with others to find ways to cope with different requirement than what most are used to.
I think distance learning is the way of the future. Even before the era of COVID-19, distance learning has been empowering students everywhere.
I find distance learning to be draining, but it seems the students learn better...actually.
Still trying to figure out how not to go back to the same post.
As a student teacher who experienced my first practicum in an online setting, these Daily Do's were a great way to get student's engaged in relevant phenommena! Whether an educator uses the whole daily do as part of a lesson or just takes a phenommena with some components of the Daily Do when lesson planning, they are quite helpful! It is difficult to engage students through distant learning and by asking students questions that guage their curiosity or personal experiences, it heightens the chance for responses via webcam or the chat box. These Daily Do's are absolutely fantastic for microlessons as well and you can find atleast that will relate become to your overarching phenommena helping students contextualize the scientfic ideas.
These Daily Do's seem like a great way to keep students engaged whether at home or in person. They seem like something that would get kids in a routine as well as keep them engaged through interactive lessons. I am excited to try some of these out with my students!!
The Daily Dos seem like a great idea! I cannot wait to try them with my classes! They are interesting and will spark stuents interests. There are so many differnet topics and ideas that all students' interests will be reached. I think these are a great way to try and keep students engaged especially if they are learning from home. What a great resource!
I loe how the Daily Dos have students actually DOing something. Distance learning is a whole new challenge to get students engaged and I like the activities the Daily Dos provide. I can't wait to try some of these with my class and see how they react to them. The Daily Dos look like they would hold the students attention even with distance learning!
I think that providng ways for teachers to get parents to interact with science activites while at home is really important, becuase when the students see that their parents are doing science experiments with them it will help the student enjoy the science activity, which will help the students engage more with the activity.
Providing ways for students, teachers, and parents to connect through these activities is great in the fact that they are staying engaged in the material even though the world as a whole is enduring these unique circumstances.
Excellent activity for Virtual learner!! I was trying to find a activity which I could use for students to discuss and talk to their guardian and get them involve in science. This is perfect way to bring community in a loop.
Hello Flavio Mendez. I currently just learned about the Daily Dos that are available through this NSTA website and I think they are going to be a great resource to encourage and engage my future students into different science lessons. I plan on taking advantage of them and doing them with my son as well. I think they are a great way to encourage and get involved more in his education.
I just learned about this website and about NSTA Daily Do! The Daily Do's are awesome to use with students to begin the day and have them engaged. There are several Daily Do's to choose from which I loved and I also loved how each Daily Do gives you specific instructions, explanations, and activities to use with the students. Students are able to predict, investigate, discuss, record, etc on the subject and small lesson that is assigned to them. I will defintely be using the Daily Do's in my future classroom.
Hello, There are several Daily Do's to choose from which I loved and I also loved how each Daily Do gives you specific instructions, explanations, and activities to use with the students. Students are able to predict, investigate, discuss, record, etc on the subject and small lesson that is assigned to them. I will be using this in my future classroom.
- Gabriela Garcia
Hello, I never knew there was these type of information for me to learn for my teaching preparation. There are a lot of Daily Do’s to choose from and that is something I liked about it. I liked about it because it gives you specific information of what to use or do with students for example activities. Students will be able to predict, investigate, and discuss experiments in my future classroom. This is something that I will consider to use when I become a teacher.
This is such a great idea! The Daily Do's are a great way to keep students entertained, while still being able to learn. The best part is that they are able to use this with their families. The students, along with their families, will be able to work on fun activities and learn about different science topics.
Great idea. the Daily Do's are a wonderful resource that can keep the students entertained and on topic. The best part I think about the Daily Do's is that they can also be completed with the student's family. Overall I will defiantly look into them further to expand my resources.
As a future educator, these Daily Dos are really helpful as to finding new ways to teach and educate children. I will keep looking for more ideas that I can do in the future!
This is such a helpful lesson for the elementary students! It helps engage them and makes science more fun. I love how there are videos as reference for the kids who need to see the lesson in action. Great tips for engaging the young ones in science!
This is such a helpful lesson for the elementary students! It helps engage them and makes science more fun. I love how there are videos as reference for the kids who need to see the lesson in action. Great tips for engaging the young ones in science!
As a naturally curious individual, I find that the Daily Do aligns nicely with the message that I put forward to my students...namely that science is all around us, we just need to take the time to notice the ways in which it is present in any given moment, make observations, infer what we are able, and ask questions about what we wonder. If we practice this daily, we will come to understan more that we could ever imagine. The truly nice thing about the Daily Do is that it vairies, whereas in my classroom, it may be unit/topic driven. The Daily Do presses on my capacity to think about the interconnectedness of science and the disciplines that touch it across all subjects and interests.
These are awesome! So many interesting topics
These are so cool! As someone who is studying to be an Elementary Teacher finding ideas for quality lessons is always exciting!
I am new to the teaching world, and I am so very excited to discover the NSTA 'Daily Do.' There are an abundance of lesson plans that I myself want to work through! I can see the the 'Daily Do' as being a great supplementary tool in the classroom and also at home with my own young children. I love that there is a section for families which encourages 'Dinner Table Discussions' that also provides guidance on how families can utilize scientific phenomena to create fun, teachable moments at home!
These are awesome resoueces for a future teacher!!
These daily dos are so cool! I spent almost an hour one time just checking out interesting mini-articles it is really fun and informative!
Hi everyone!
I just attended a webinar through NSTA last night and learned about the Daily dos. I think they're a great idea, especially since science is often overlooked in elementary instruction. I'm observing in 4th grade classroom, and they only spend about thirty minutes on science if they even get a science lesson in. My mentor teacher is often busy planning for other lessons that science isn't as engaging as it should be. These daily dos make it easy, engaging, and fun for both teachers and students. And, getting families involved too is great! My only question is about the encouragement of getting families involved. Do the daily dos require many materials and resources that families might not have access to? Are they adaptable for those who do not have all the materials? Or will there be some students at a disadvantage due to expenses and lack of resources?
Since this is a time of distance learning, I feel like these activites are such a great way for students to still be engaged even if they are not in the classroom! These daily do are great rescources to use when being in the classroom is not ideal, this way students can still be excited and engaged about school!
These activities are a great way for students to get a more hands-on experience, even when they can't be in the classroom. I think these are very beneficial in a time of remote or hybrid learning.
The NSTA Daily Do is such a great resource to have. It is educational but also very interesting. They are things that are going to keep the students interested. This is the best resource in the remote learning era.
What a great resource! The ideas are endless. As a future educator I am always looking for resources to keep and have under my belt.
I love the idea of the Daily Do's to have as a resource for my future classroom! Not only does it provide an easy way for me to find resources to use as a teacher, but it also gives me ideas I can share with parents to do at home with their kids. This gives parents a perfect opprotunity to get involved with their child's education.
I really liked the idea of the Daily Do's. It gives a different opportunity to teachers, parents, and students when it comes to learning and teaching. I think this helps with keeping students engaged and having fun learning science.
The NSTA Daily Do's are great resources for everyone to incorporate at home or at school. They provide fun activities that will keep everyone engaged and are truly spectacular learning experiences.
I have just recently been introduced to NSTA and the Daily Do's but I am so amazed at the complexity and creativity of the activities. I am a college student on my way to becoming an elementary education teacher. Though I hope I am not teaching virtually by the time I complete my degree, I am so excited and eager to use the Daily Do's in my classroom, virtual or not. I think students will love them and want to continue to learn more and more.
I believe that being able to do a Daily Do's with students virtually is something amazing. I am new to NSTA but I believe that all the information is so valuable and resourceful even without being able to be in a face-to-face classroom arrangement.
These Daily Do's are a great idea and seem very engaging for students. However, I was wondering if you or anyone had ideas for promoting learning when students are out of the class because they are having to quaratine. While some of my students parents take a hands on aproach in there students academic life, others may not seem as interested. Is there ways to make sure students at home are able to have the same oportunites for learning as a students in the class? Along with that does anyone have any good ideas to motivated students when they are unable to come to school for weeks at a time? Thank you in advance!
Thank you! These are great!
Thank you! These are great and l'll plan on using them in the future.
This seems like a great resource to have in the classroom. I hope to incorporate science into the classroom more and these Daily Do's are a great way to do so. I think the Daily Do's can be effective since they incoporate the student, the teahcer and the family! Some families may not be as familiar with science as they are with math or ELA. It is important to have students invovled and engaged in their students science learning.
Molly, I feel the same. I am also trying to incorporate more science into the classroom with the little time we have throughout the school day, and I think this is a great resource to aide me in doing that. I think my own students would love this resource and be excited to engage with it. I also love the at home connection piece tied into this resource. I think anything that gets the parents more involved in students' learning is also great. Great post!
Hello, that seems like a great way to teach science since it can be applied in their daily lives.
These are awesome! This is my first exposure to the Daily Do’s. I think these could be awesome supplementation pieces for students who have either missed school for certain reasons, for students who need extra help, or for those students who just enjoy learning about science. I love how students are able to access basic science topics. Also, I think this is a great tool that teachers could use incase they are not given enough time during their science instruction time to go as in depth with the topic as they would like. These are something the teacher could assign students to do at home to supplement the classroom instruction. I think the Daily Do’s will keep students engaged and interested in the topics they are learning. It would also be easy to make changes to some of the lessons as needed to meet students individual needs. I will be saving this resource!
I love the idea of these 'Daily Do's' These are fun and creative ways to introduce and discover Science topics and facts to the students. The detailed explanation is very helpful in understanding the process for students as well as teachers. It keeps the students curious all the time. Great help for teachers to introduce the lessons with a hands-on approach. I will love to try them with my future students.
The 'Daily Do's' will be my go to just for a daily start when introducing a lesson or just giving the students a jump on engagment and critical thinking.
The 'Daily Do's' are a great way for me to try something new as this year winds down and I am looking for another way to engage my students before we begin each class. Thank you for the ideas!
The 'Daily Do's' seem like a great resource to me to try this upcoming year to engage my students.
The 'Daily Do's' sound like a great idea to use in the near future when I have a class of my own.
I quite enjoy how these lesson plans give step by step action, as it should, but I feel like it goes deeper than some that I've read. It tells what to ask, what to say, what you should say. I enjoyed reading the lesson plan about how do things make sound and how it talks about which students to call on and which ones to help. As a future teacher, I'm glad to see how this is set out so that s it's easier to read and make sense of.
These daily dos look great! Thank you for sharing so many great resources!
The daily do lessons are great. As a pre-service teacher, I have been collecting daily do lessons in my library for use in my classroom. They are great, ready to teach lessons.
Some consider it convenient and effective, allowing easy control of processes from a distance, while others deny its use in principle. During the corona virus, I felt for myself what distance learning is. Then we were asked by health security to answer the question about pro life abortion, then I found to figure it out. I myself would never fully understand the point. As a result, I prefer traditional teaching methods that allow me to more directly control the work.
I find this resource to be an excellent tool. I am both and teacher and a mother. I found it a little difficult to implement certain techniques to my students online. My children at home were engaged but wanted to have that peer-to-peer interaction versus, 'Mom' teaching them. I plan to use the daily do task for my students as well as my children going forward.
Daily Dos are very important in the classroom. I recall learning information about the Daily Dos in this NSTA webinar. In my future classroom, I plan to have Daily Dos whether it is at the beginning of class or towards the end. I want to implement this so my students will stay engaged. I want them to get used to being in a routine of complete tasks. For example, everyday at the beginning of class, there may be a thought question for students to reflect and respond to. This process will get their brains flowing before instructional time begins!
I had no idea about Daily Do! I am happy I got to learn about this since I am a college student. I can only imagine how hard it can be to start a lesson and since this can be done at home and at school it helps teachers have activities to assign for homework or group work in a classroom. Since the activities are already step by step it helps a teacher visually see the assignment and save time as well! I would love to use this in my classroom as a warm up or exit ticket that they can continue at home. This helps the child engage and use their creativity since Daily do's are hands on I feel like the students would love to do these activities.
This is so important! I never knew about this so I am glad I do now. Ever since COVID, it has been hard to leran so now we have all of these amazing things we can use inside and outside of the classroom!
As a future educator i am so happy to see ways to keep students engaged in science activities when we cannot meet in person! These are just such great things in the covid times for us to think about.
The Daily Do tasks are a great way to involve and engage students in science topics with phenomenons. Sensemaking activities help students try and figure out how the world around them works.