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Early Childhood

Cross Curricular

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Yolanda Williams Yolanda Williams 3330 Points

Hey everyone!

I truly enjoy integrating literacy and language arts with all content areas. I believe that I am a reading teacher first before anything else. I think integration provides the students with rich learning experiences. What are some ways you provide science and literacy integration for young learners?

Michelle Phillips Michelle Phillips 7245 Points

Hi Yolanda - thank you for starting this awesome thread!

One reason why I am so passionate about science teaching as it develops students numeracy, literacy and technology skills while developing an understanding of the way the world around them works. Here is an article I found that might help Also check out our Daily Do Lesson Plans ( there are lots of opportunities in these to develop literacy and reading skills - I love this one - its especially good for younger learners. 

I wonder if others have other methods for integrating science and literacy learning.  

Yolanda Williams Yolanda Williams 3330 Points

Thanks, Michelle! I'll be sure to check those out. I have been asked to conduct a parent workshop in November to help K-5 parents help their children with reading informational text. They also want to do a math session. I will give them a three-for-one! The informational text is a science text where I can also pull out some math concepts. I'll let you know how that goes!

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