Ask questions, make observations, and gather information about a situation people want to change to define a simple problem that can be solved through the development of a new or improved object or tool. K-2-ETS1-1
Clarification Statement: none
Assessment Boundary: none
Develop a simple sketch, drawing, or physical model to illustrate how the shape of an object helps it function as needed to solve a given problem. K-2-ETS1-2
Analyze data from tests of two objects designed to solve the same problem to compare the strengths and weaknesses of how each performs. K-2-ETS1-3
Asking Questions and Defining Problems
Asking questions and defining problems in K–2 builds on prior experiences and progresses to simple descriptive questions.
Ask questions based on observations to find more information about the natural and/or designed world(s). (K-2-ETS1-1)
Define a simple problem that can be solved through the development of a new or improved object or tool. (K-2-ETS1-1)
Developing and Using Models
Modeling in K–2 builds on prior experiences and progresses to include using and developing models (i.e., diagram, drawing, physical replica, diorama, dramatization, or storyboard) that represent concrete events or design solutions.
Develop a simple model based on evidence to represent a proposed object or tool. (K-2-ETS1-2)
Analyzing and Interpreting Data
Analyzing data in K–2 builds on prior experiences and progresses to collecting, recording, and sharing observations.
Analyze data from tests of an object or tool to determine if it works as intended. (K-2-ETS1-3)
ETS1.A: Defining and Delimiting Engineering Problems
A situation that people want to change or create can be approached as a problem to be solved through engineering. Such problems may have many acceptable solutions. (K-2-ETS1-1)
Before beginning to design a solution, it is important to clearly understand the problem. (K-2-ETS1-1)
Asking questions, making observations, and gathering information are helpful in thinking about problems. (K-2-ETS1-1)
ETS1.B: Developing Possible Solutions
Designs can be conveyed through sketches, drawings, or physical models. These representations are useful in communicating ideas for a problem’s solutions to other people. (K-2-ETS1-2)
ETS1.C: Optimizing the Design Solution
Because there is always more than one possible solution to a problem, it is useful to compare and test designs. (K-2-ETS1-3)
Structure and Function
The shape and stability of structures of natural and designed objects are related to their function(s). (K-2-ETS1-2)