Fri, Mar 27, 2020 11:18 AM in Field Trips
i think that some of the best frield trips are taking students to a science museum, or the zoo, or even a butterfly conservatory. Somewhere where they get some type of hands on experience or get to make or play with something. Where they can actually DO science.
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Fri, Mar 27, 2020 11:12 AM in Engagement during lesson
I am currently attending FIU, and something that the science professors really encourage us to do is to use a 5E Lesson Plan Format when teaching science. I have used this format when completing Field Experience hours and I find that it engages them from the start and keeps them engaged and interested throughout the whole lesson.
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Mon, Dec 02, 2019 1:31 PM in clasrrom management
Hello! i will aslo be student teaching soon and when observing during my fieldwork hours this is always a concern a mine. I think going over the rules on a daily basis is very important. Also, making the students feel like they are actually scientist so explain to them that when scientist work in groups they can't get too loud because they need to hear each others thoughts and ideas and be ab...
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