Wed, Apr 15, 2020 6:58 PM
Integrating Science and the Arts
Initially I chose to include this article into my library because I enjoy getting new ideas for integrating the arts into various subjects for the classroom. By reading through the article I learned that the team who created the activity underwent lots of research about each portion of the activity such as researching what bulbs would bloom at the appropriate time, what type of vessel they would best react to, and the guiding lessons based on grade-level. If I were to adopt this lesson into my future classroom, I would use TEK 4.7A The student is expected to examine properties of soils, including color and texture, capacity to retain water, and ability to support the growth of plants. Because I don't have much experience with growing plants, it was hard to agree or disagree with their methods, however the article provided detailed feedback as to how they obtained the correct plants for the lesson. One thing I really liked about the activity is that the experiment is repeated each year and students that have already completed the experiment in pervious years can see the plants growing and help out those below them.