Classroom Management and Safety
Wed, Nov 30, 2016 2:55 AM
Future Classroom
I felt like this was a really great article to read as a future teacher, not just in a science classroom but also just in a general classroom. I felt like the way this article is written is extremely helpful and it gives great advice to helping not only teach and manage our classrooms but how to actually implement this in our classroom. I like how it talked about and discussed the first day of school with our students and what we should do as teachers to make sure we do not completely botch our entire school year in just the first day. It also discussed management vs. discipline, strategies to avoid, rewards and praise, and acknowledging differences in our classroom. I also feel like this was a great article because it discussed lesson planning for good class management and it also had great advice on how to teach safety in our classroom. That is something I will definitely take with me into my future classroom, because I never really considered actually teaching safety because it is something I feel most of us just assume that our kids will know. I feel like this is especially great to discuss with our students every time we sit down to do an activity or experiment. By continuing to discuss and practice safety it will become like second nature to our students and this will help them not only for the year we have them but they will be better prepared for life and their future in other classrooms. I loved how the end of the article discussed having and emotionally safe environment for our classrooms. I think as a teacher this is something I will try extra hard to implement in my classroom and make sure that all my students know that they are safe in my classroom no matter what and they can talk to me about anything they need to. My classroom will be safe not just physically but emotionally for any and all students at all times, even after they have left my classroom and are headed into other classrooms as well. As a teacher my first priority is my students and to make sure they are safe and comfortable in my classroom.