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  • Melissa Gucwa

    Melissa Gucwa
    Victoria's Secret

My NSTA / Peers / Melissa Gucwa

Hello, my name is Melissa. I am currently a student in the credential program at San Diego State University. I am studying to become an Elementary school teacher. I specialized in science in my undergraduate and have also enjoyed science. I hope to become a great science teacher. I am looking forward to teaching and being able to make a difference.

  • Public Collections
  • Recent Public Collections by Melissa

    Plants and Animals

    These resources all help to create an understanding of plants, animals, and how they work together. The needs of both plants and animals are identified in the readings. There is also information of how they rely and help one another in some environments. Do They Need Air? My students had misconceptions about the need of air with plants and animals. This probe will help me identify where there misconceptions lie more with more details. Formative Assessment Probes: Needs of Seeds. This would be a good extension of a plants needs lesson. The seed is the beginning life stage of the plant. It would be good to explore and help guide an in class experiment. Functions Of Living Things I chose this because it highlights the similarities plants and animals have. This would be a good lesson for the students to explore. The connections between the plants and animals will be beneficial to students. Interdependence of Life I added this scipack to increase my knowledge on the interdependence of li

    7 Resources

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    I want to do my CAT on patterns involving weather. I think these resources will be helpful in building good lessons. I gathered a lot of information about weather from a global scale to a local scale. I think it is important to cover many different types of weather even if the students living in sunny San Diego. I want to connect daily weather patterns to the water cycle and discover how that plays into the weather we experience. Some of the articles listed are beyond elementary age, but I wanted to prepare for multiple grade and learning levels.

    11 Resources

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