Earth and Space Collection
Tue, Nov 08, 2016 2:27 PM
Earth and Space Review
The Earth and Space collection was very informative and resourceful. I enjoyed seeing many types of resources in this collection. All of the resources help to build the concept that is at focus. The collection included book chapters, journal articles, an NSTA press book, a podcast, and more. Pulling these resources from different places is a great way to ensure that you are studying the best possible information. I found the podcast to very neat and helpful. When working with kids, and the topic more toward 5th to middle school grade levels, the students will enjoy watching videos and using them as learning tools.
The book chapter, Earth and Space Science, gives you a great look at some tools that can be used with this concept. The chapter gives you a run through of ideas, instructions and assessments. Science 101: How Does the Motion of the Earth Affect Our View of the Sun? is another wonderful resource, providing the reader with visuals and diagrams to best support the text. Solar System: The Earth in Space is a resource that I used myself. Much like the scipack that we have used before, it has layers and layers of information and text that take you through each aspect for the subject. I also enjoyed seeing The Next Generation Science Standards and the Earth and Space Sciences because it is great to see standards of this topic and how they affect future lessons.