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Recent Posts by Dewi
Tue, Apr 12, 2016 5:19 PM in Science in Elementary School
I agree, I'm also doing student observation and see the same thing! Seems to me that the students are being pressured with more material to know and more tests/exams to complete. Although i love science and learning can be fun, students need time to digest these concepts that can be very extensive.
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Tue, Apr 12, 2016 5:16 PM in Classroom set up
Hi Victoria,
What I've recently seen is to have each individual student research a specific question within the topic or like someone mentioned have individual roles within a group. Have someone be the organizer, the presenter, the researcher (which can be split into two or more) and the editor. That way everyone will learn from each other and have the same amount of work.
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- Reviews
Recent Reviews by Dewi
Landscapes Collection
Tue, Apr 19, 2016 4:01 PM
Review of Landscapes Collection
I thoroughly enjoyed the Landscapes Collection. It had lots of information about landscapes, climate change, the effects on climate change, how to teach young students about the environment such as rocks and soil as well as species, and natural resources. Im highly intrigued with all these topics within the collection and think its really important to teach students young and old about the importance of recycling which was also a great descriptive article. This collection can be geared towards elementary, middle school, or high school students.
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