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Sat, Sep 28, 2019 8:42 PM in Making Science Matter in Classrooms
In less than a year, I will be a new Elementry teacher! I am very excited and am looking forward to it very much. I have loved science ever since I was a child, but many times I feel so disheartened when I see how Science and Social Studies take a backseat to Reading and Writing. What was ways that I can make Science a staple in the classroom? What are ideas of ways in which I can slowly but sure...
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Sat, Sep 28, 2019 8:38 PM in Literature in Science
You can incorporate literature in many wonderful ways. Here are a few ideas:
-Fun and creative books that can go hand in hand with your science lessons. For example, if you are teaching the life cycle of a butterfly.. Try to find a book that can be used to get the students attention and can bring the idea full circle for them.
Book Idea: "The Amazing Life Cycle of Butterflies"
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