Tue, Nov 30, 2021 1:50 PM
Great Resource
I utilized this ebook chapter to provide a pre-assessment on an exploration lesson on phyiscal weathering. Specifically, I looked at page 103, where students choose a student's opinion and explain why they believe that student was right. It was a great segway into the concept. The probes included lots of great ways to further implement learning the concept, and my fourth graders were really able to grasp the concept of how physical weathering can cause plants to break through rocks. We implemented this activity in a warm up of 4 corners, with each corner representing a different opinion. Students got really into it, and it fostered a great discussion leading into the concept being taught. We then used this to help guide our post-assessment, and the scores were very good. This chapter and the lesson plans and probes definitely played a role in how our students comprehended the concepts. Will definitely be using this lesson in the future!