Wed, Nov 07, 2012 9:10 AM in iPads in the classroom
The basic idea is to have 1:1 technology, so the students would not have to share if they received them. They would pay to insure, and at the end of middle school, the iPad would belong to them. We have the same system at our high school right now for laptops. As far as sharing though, it wouldn't be too bad because each student has their own storage place on our network for all of their work and ...
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Wed, Oct 31, 2012 8:08 PM in iPads in the classroom
Thanks for your response! I was assuming I would have to have some sort of app to use an iPad in that fashion, but I didn't know if there was a particularly good one that people are already using.
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Tue, Oct 30, 2012 9:11 AM in iPads in the classroom
My school has been discussing the possibility of giving iPads to all teachers and students. I wanted to gather some thoughts about how iPads can be used to improve pedagogy. We also had a question that no one on our technology committee could answer. Can iPads be used to replace a Mobi/Interwrite board? Most teachers have a Mobi in their classroom to use, but if it can be replaced with an iPad, th...
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