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Recent Reviews by Brianna
Sun, Dec 08, 2019 4:29 PM
Teaching Teachers
This article was very interesting because it was all about how to prepare preservice teachers for teaching science. The article mentioned the importance of using constructionism, inquiry, and the 5E instructional model when planning a lesson to teach the students; however, the preservice teachers struggled to use the 5E model because they were unsure how to properly create a 5E lesson plan. Using inquiry in instruction helps cultivate the growth mindsets of the students. The article also talked about how teachers have to believe their students can improve in their understanding and have to teach the students to believe in themselves in the same way. Another thing that was discussed in the article was that preservice teachers should take advantage of the resources available to them to create positive learning experiences for the students. I think this is a great article that has a lot of great ideas on how to help preservice teachers learn how to effectively teach science to their students and I would recommend that all preservice teachers read this article.
Sat, Dec 07, 2019 11:04 PM
Outdoor Classrooms
This article provides a lot of great resources for creating an outdoor classroom for your students to get a great learning experience. It mentions how an outdoor classroom is an excellent way to get the community and parents involved in what the students are learning. The article provides links to several websites for schools throughout the United States and Canada that will help them create their own outdoor classroom. The article also provides information about each resource such as cost and possible grants that schools can apply for so they do not have to cover the expenses that are involved with the outdoor classroom. The article also mentions how an outdoor classroom connects with the National Science Education Standard: "Teachers of science design and manage learning environments that provide students with the time, space, and resources needed for learning science."
Sat, Dec 07, 2019 10:34 PM
Core Ideas Engineering and Technology
This article is very interesting because it talks about what the students should be learning in the different grade levels in the different core ideas of the framework. The article states the reasons why there is an increased emphasis on engineering and technology in the science curriculum that is taught to students today. However, the article says it is not necessary to offer special courses that are called "Technology" or "Engineering", but instead are just asked to include those practices in their instruction of the science standards. The article gave different examples of lessons where teachers could explain the relationship between science and engineering to give the students a better understanding of the topic. The article also mentions how the biggest challenge will be how to make the difficult choice of what can be left out of the curriculum so teachers can effectively teach the core ideas and help them understand why they are important and how to apply the ideas to real-world scenarios. Overall, I think this is a great article that is very informative and something that I would recommend for others to read.
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