Thu, Nov 19, 2015 11:20 PM in Elementary Science Misconceptions
In second grade, some of the science misconceptions are: the moon can only be seen during the night, the sun rises and sets at the exact same time every single day, or during the new moon phase of the moon cycle, there is no moon at all.
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Thu, Nov 19, 2015 11:15 PM in Science Notebook
In the second grade classroom, we use interactive notebooks and organize the notebook by units and science topics. The students use sticky notes to label the topic and use them as tabs for the notebooks. The students take notes in their book, write their observations during investigations, glue their worksheets, etc. There are many different things you can do in the notebooks. On the plus side, it...
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Thu, Nov 19, 2015 11:12 PM in Classroom Management
Thank you for posting this! I am a student teacher and I have had the same concerns & worry about the same things. I really want science to be hands on and interactive, but I want it to be structured and productive at the same time. All of the help and resources mentioned are helpful!
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