Fri, Oct 03, 2014 10:47 PM in Full STEAM Ahead!
CATAPULT PAINTINGS???? WHAT??? That looks like the coolest thing EVER! I just have to get my hands on the instructions for that. My teaching partner and I are making a conscious effort this year to teach art to our students. Previously,it was more of an after thought and ended up being more crafty than artsy. I can't wait to try some of the ideas on your FB page/website! Thanks for sharing!
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Fri, Oct 03, 2014 10:37 PM in NGSS and Science Kits
We found that the old kits (namely land and water and electricity) actually aligned more than we thought! Previously, we stuck to a schedule and had to cut out lessons due to time restrictions. With NGSS, we realized that if we REALLY teach the kits they way they are intended (and not cut corners or leave some lessons out) we cover all if not more of our new standards. We do bring in m...
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Fri, Oct 03, 2014 10:30 PM in Robotics Clubs and Competitions 2014-2015
Thanks for sharing your collection of articles! I just attended a workshop on Lego Robotics today and was so impressed and excited to start! I've never done it before but plan on doing it this fall/spring as a before-school club (twice a week...ish). I don't have much to offer yet, but I'd love to be a fly on the wall of this forum to hear other ideas.
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