Sat, Apr 27, 2013 6:55 PM in Biology Articles
I have found a good website called Science News for Kids. They have basically current events in science that have been simplified for children. There is a good search engine on the site that lets you find articles that are applicable to your topic. I found a great one the other day on isotopes and dinosaurs. They range from one to three pages of print. I usually make the students write an abstract...
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Sat, Apr 13, 2013 3:56 PM in Teaching Evolution for the First Time
My students really seem to be able to coined phrase “survival of the fittest”, however many students interpret the word fit as being strong and muscular. You must really emphasis the biological definition of fit, not the common meaning of the word.
I use a pretty good lab to show natural selection in action. It’s called “Wooly Worms”, there are several different versions of it on the internet....
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Wed, Apr 03, 2013 9:01 PM in Short films/activities to include in an Evolution unit plan for high school?
I really appreciate the link for the human evolution series. A mentor teacher of mine mentioned that she had great success with using human evolution as the main mechanism or starting off point for high school students because they are frankly rather self-centered, and are most interested in themselves. This, of course, is opposite from my appreciation of evolution with all the biodiversity that h...
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