Wed, May 13, 2020 8:01 PM in Engagement during lesson
I like to give my kids a lot of choice in the lessons. I usually have at least 2 different things for students to choose from (drawing or writing their answer, or doing a kinesethic activity) to show their understanding of the topic. I get these ideas through Howard Garners Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Remember that not every student learns the same way! It helps if you really know your stud...
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Wed, May 13, 2020 7:56 PM in Assessing Students
Hi! I like to do an honest check in with my kiddos. I have them close their eyes and give me and thumbs up if they feel like they have it, or a thumbs down if they don't feel confident, or a thumbs in the middle if they're on the fence about the material. I like to incorporate exit tickets daily as well. I create flexible groups and base my kids based on their scores from the exit tickets...
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Sun, May 10, 2020 1:37 PM in Outdoor Activities
Hello! I love to get my students outdoors as much as possible. I like to incorporate brain breaks and have them run outside for a couple minutes to get them refocused. I also like to bring my lessons outside, especially if it is tied to a the current standard I am teaching. I have done a bit of research on taking lessons outdoors just to give the students a fresh scenery; it helps to bring them m...
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