Wed, Dec 11, 2013 12:29 AM in Notes vs. hands-on
Finding the appropriate balance between note-taking and hands-on activities can be quite trying. In a workshop I've been completing I have tried to keep it as paperless as possible but find it hard to formatively assess students without any hard data. We obviously can't be everywhere at once. Optimally, there would be the least amount of busy work as possible. How do you informally assess your stu...
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Wed, Dec 11, 2013 12:18 AM in Activities for motion and force
Patricia Rourke, those are wonderful sources to draw from, I will add them to my ongoing list. When it comes to force and motion, what selections of children's literature would make for appropriate launch activities, as well as books which can be referenced throughout a unit? On my recent ventures to the library I have found difficulty in finding appropriate books for the fifth grade level which r...
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Wed, Dec 11, 2013 12:13 AM in Levers and Pulleys
These are all fantastic replies, and are very useful in my workshop as well. I recently completed a test run of a class-1 lever workshop where I constructed a lever that could be used to lift the teacher. The issue I found was that the setup weighed over 150 lbs and therefore yielded skewed results for the balance correlations. I used wood to build mine, but what materials or setup might be more b...
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