Fri, Dec 03, 2021 4:07 PM
A Helpful Resource!
I used this eBook Professional to gather information to teach a lesson to 5th grade students about food chains and the transfer of energy through a food chain. I read the whole book, and it contained a lot of information on a wide variety of topics. Even though the topic of food chains and energy only took up a small portion of the eBook, the knowledge about food chains and energy found in the book was important to my lesson. The other information found in the book helped me build a base of background knowledge about topics related to food chains, such as competition between populations in an ecosystem or the different types of biomes that are found around the world. Reading this extra information made me more knowledgable about the overarching topics that food chains are a sub-category of, thus deepening my understanding of food chains and how energy travels through them. I loved the assessment checks that were found throughout the book, it helped me ensure that I processing the information that I was reading in the text. This eBook professional was a helpful resource that greatly contributed to the teaching of my lesson.