Sun, Nov 24, 2013 12:49 PM in 2013-2014 New Science Teacher Academy
Hello! I applied for the NSTA New Science Teacher Academy last May. I remember reading when I applied that they would let all applicants who were not accepted know this by November. I know a few other teachers who have applied and none of us have heard anything. I've been holding out hope that maybe there was a delay in application processing and we still might hear good news- wishful thinking, I ...
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Mon, Oct 28, 2013 11:08 PM in Time Management
I know the feeling! Worse, many curriculum materials suggest a particular amount of time for a lesson and this, for me anyway, invariably feels like too little time. I try to strike a balance between "working through the curriculum" (not letting things drag out for the kids who are "getting it") and ensuring that all students are on board conceptually with where the curriculum is going. It seems l...
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Sun, Jun 30, 2013 12:25 AM in Integrated Science Practices Nightmare
One final thought. The critiques offered by Nathan, Carrie, and others are substantial and relevant, and need to be addressed. There is a real danger that the NGSS will be misused (which isn't to say that if the NGSS is not misused, it is somehow above criticism). I recommend showing all interested parties, and especially administrators, the following essential section of the NGSS Front Matter (aw...
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