Thu, Apr 28, 2011 9:33 PM in Summative Assessments
Of course, I had to explain to my 9-year-old son what has taken me so long this evening. I briefly said, "These are a bunch of teachers talking together about whether or not one test at the end of the year should determine a student's grade."
His instant response: NO.
And his reasoning:
"Because they might not have studied for that exact test or information but they would know something abo...
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Thu, Apr 28, 2011 9:26 PM in Summative Assessments
I've spent quite a bit of time writing this (in Word), and I'm sure that I'll think of ten more things to say, or ways to say them, as soon as I press "Post Reply." I find this topic fascinating and compelling, but confusing and perhaps unsolvable. I hate to feel that way. Anyway, here's what I've agonized about all evening:
A summative assessment at the end of the school year, or, as Therese s...
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Wed, Apr 27, 2011 5:57 PM in Why are teachers afraid to release control of inquiry science to their elementary students?
Thanks for asking. The Exit Projects are ALL inquiry, by nature. They are independent investigations designed by the student or a small team (I try to keep them down to three people tops). They come up with the topic, question, hypothesis, experimental design, . . . the whole bit. Some teachers try to limit them to Controlled Experiments, some to Field Study (observing animals), but some brave sou...
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