Carolina Kits 3D Bundles – January 2025
  • Savana Rosson

    Savana Rosson

My NSTA / Peers / Savana Rosson

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  • Public Collections
  • Recent Public Collections by Savana

    Collection Three- Life Science

    The webinar below, discusses the endangerment of the false killer whales. These animals are already rare, and the numbers are only going down. This webinar discusses what makes them different, as well as ways to incorporate into your classroom. It also includes what we can do to help protect them. The lesson plan below is about how to know if something is alive. The teacher first reads a book, and then helps the students make connections by asking them questions such as does it eat, or use air? The goal of this lesson plan is to investigate, and see what surrounding things around them are alive!

    4 Resources

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    Collection Two- Physical Science

    The freebies article below is just a good resource for me to use in the future! It contains different free websites that have activities, and overall good material to refresh your brains as teachers. Many of the websites have different topics which will all be covered at some point in a science classroom!

    5 Resources

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Forum Posts 7 Public Collections 3 Reviews 0

Activity Points

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