Mon, Oct 14, 2019 10:17 PM in clasrrom management
One awesome thing I saw a teacher use was a noise level app on her computer. It monterted the noise level in the class and when it got too loud it beeped and would remind them. You could do a three-strikes rule and if they are still too loud no more partners for the day and they can try again tomorrow. You could do it every day and be very consistent and maybe they will learn. I hope...
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Mon, Oct 14, 2019 10:14 PM in Gardening at school with young children
I think a garden would be so fun! I would look and see what plants grow best in your area. One of my favorite memories in elementary school was picking green beans from a plant at school. Maybe see if you could even cook something with your kids and the stuff you garden.
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Mon, Oct 14, 2019 10:14 PM in Gardening at school with young children
I think a garden would be so fun! I would look and see what plants grow best in your area. One of my favorite memories in elementary school was picking green beans from a plant at school. Maybe see if you could even cook something with your kids and the stuff you garden.
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