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Recent Posts by Constance
Sun, Oct 10, 2021 10:45 PM in Is Mrs. Frizzle too out-of date for the classroom?
Magic School Bus was a huge part of my childhood! They covered science topics that I never thought a children's show would ever cover. I learned a lot when watching Mrs. Frizzle and the gang, and even the books were a huge hit too! I still use their books in my library (we did a Genre Book Tasting [I teach English and Social Studies] and the kids loved the science fiction books). Th...
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Sun, Oct 10, 2021 10:38 PM in How can I make hands-on activities fun during distance learning.
Hi Emily!
Distance learning can be difficult, especially if you have the older chidren who are used to being in the classroom gaining the hands on experience in class. The best way that I have used to make online learning a bit easier, is to gather information on things that your students enjoy. Then you can center your learning around those different topics. Plus, it will be student cen...
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Recent Reviews by Constance
Sun, Sep 26, 2021 2:48 PM
Rationale on Understanding Instructional Sequence
I always knew that there was a particular way to teach science in the Elementary Classroom, and that exploring should always come before explaining because that is how the lessons become student centered as opposed to teacher centered. This book covers how to structure your lessons to better fit your students and that it is easy to understand for both novice and veteran teachers which is pretty important because it is always hard to teach something that you have not wrote yourself because you don't always understand their thought process with what they were trying to convey. This book is a must read for its clarity on helping other teachers teach science in a way that is student centered and in a way that is easy to understand for all.
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