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Sat, May 02, 2020 2:24 PM in Heating and Cooling- Hannah B.
Hannah, I think maybe one way that would help students care about it more is if you intrigued them first with phenomena. If they could see how interesting and cool and transformational different forms of matter are then I think they would care more. I think after their interest is caught then they could explore it then problem solve and construct something that changes into different forms of mat...
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Sat, May 02, 2020 2:18 PM in Citizen Science
Those look like great resources. Incorporating family and the community into science learning is huge for students. Students at home right now could have possibly even more opportunities for exploring than they have at school. Citizen science also has many opportunities to integrate other subjects. I think caregivers could play a huge role in helping their kiddos see how science connects to so ma...
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Sat, May 02, 2020 2:11 PM in Citizen Science
Those look like great resources. Incorporating family and the community into science learning is huge for students. Students at home right now could have possibly even more opportunities for exploring than they have at school. Citizen science also has many opportunities to integrate other subjects. I think caregivers could play a huge role in helping their kiddos see how science connects to so ma...
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