• Emily Van Zee

    Emily Van Zee
    Oregon State University

My NSTA / Peers / Emily Van Zee

Emily van Zee is a retired associate professor of science education at Oregon State University. She designed and taught a physics course for prospective elementary and middle school teachers for many years. She is co-author with Elizabeth Gire of an open-source guide to this course: Exploring Physical Phenomena: What Happens When Light from the Sun Shines on the Earth? see: https://open.oregonstate.education/physicsforteachers/ . During the pandemic, her daughter Katrina helped her shift this laboratory-based course to remote instruction. While they were collaborating in this way, her daughter created Thank You Notes: A Children's Story about Exponential Growth. This is available at https://www.merlot.org/merlot/viewSite.htm?id=9162542 and NGSS@NSTA Hub . Emily also taught graduate courses in science education. Her research has included documenting and interpreting ways to engage students in “thinking like a physicist.” She also has explored student and teacher questioning during


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