Sat, Dec 01, 2012 11:56 PM in The Ocean
Anything to do with nature, I am a fan of when teaching science. The more hands on the better! If it was up to me, my students and I would go deep sea diving! But since not every school has that type of budget, we'll have to make due! Teaching about the ocean can be a lot of fun. Theres something that every child can connect to in the lesson. Wether it's there favorite animal being a dolphin, a cr...
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Sat, Dec 01, 2012 11:21 PM in Who sang this song? "Oh what a night, late December back in 63"
I live in Florida where our seasons consist of heat and humidity or heat, humidity and rain! Something I've seen teachers do, during my observations are fun, hands on experiments for the seasons such as make your own snow (winter), creating a garden with flowers that specifically bloom in spring, have your students create the perfect beach day using the information your teaching them. Anything you...
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Sat, Dec 01, 2012 10:44 PM in Coral Reef Ecosystems
When it comes to a subject like Coral Reefs, something that is so massive and amazing that you have to see it to believe it, I think a lot of hands on and visual lessons would be really helpful in having your students connect with the lesson. Since your lucky enough to live in such a beautiful place, I'm sure there are tons of activities that would be at your fingerprints. What could be a fun way...
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