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Thu, May 09, 2019 2:26 AM in First Grade Science Lesson
I did a 5E lesson plan on interdependent relationships in ecosystems. The phenomena I choose for this mini unit was how animals use the trait camouflage to survive and thrive in their environments. One idea I covered was the idea of animals that use camouflage and what they use it for. Another idea I covered was going over what the students had learned about chameleons and blending into their env...
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Thu, May 09, 2019 2:16 AM in Engaging Students
I would say to make the lesson as much "hands on" as possible. Students who are younger love to discover things on their own and actually have objects to work with when doing the lesson. You could go over some background information on the topic to help get them ready for what they will be doing in the lesson.
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Fri, Apr 12, 2019 1:56 PM in Introducing Science to Pre-k
My name is Ashley Edaburn and I am a pre-service teacher at the Univeristy of Northern Iowa. I am majoring in elementary education and I am currently in a science methods class. We had a guest speaker come talk to our class this past week and she talked about the importance of play and how to implement science into a classroom where there are younger students. When thinking of a scienc...
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