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Recent Reviews by Mackenzie
Wed, Oct 09, 2019 9:43 PM
Methods Student Review
This article is really informative and provides a lot of knowledge on how to teach young learners about magnets. It highlights misconceptions that students may already have, and how we as the teacher can help guide them in the right direction. It was interesting to see the scaffolding process shown during the activities that were presented. Students need this scaffolding in order to fully understand. I liked how hands on the activities were, allowing them to visually see the magnets and how they work. I also liked that the students were allowed to think through the process and learn through the questions they were being asked. Lastly, I thought it was interesting that the author mentioned what is developmentally appropriate for these young students. It’s important to keep that in mind when teaching and developing our own teaching plans. Overall, this article was very informative and helpful when thinking about teaching my own unit on magnets in a third grade classroom!
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