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Recent Posts by Kayla
Sun, Apr 26, 2020 4:23 PM in Implementing science
Hi Lacey.
Throughout most of my observations I have witnessed teachers use textbooks/workbooks in order to teach concepts to their students. Many students do not understand topics through this approach and as a teacher candidate I have learned that there are other ways of teaching concepts. The 5 E’s model helped me develop lessons that would have felt dull and transformed them into capt...
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Sun, Apr 26, 2020 4:06 PM in Teaching Science Lesson for the First Time
Hi Sydney.
A great science lesson to teach first graders would be teaching Newton's Third Law. It is best that you use terminology that they can comprehend with little to no difficulty. For this lesson you can either have the students assemble k’nex cars with motors or have them assembled beforehand. The students can write down their observations as to how they can move the cars. You...
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Sun, Apr 26, 2020 3:48 PM in Technology in the classroom
Hello Maria.
The use of technology could be very useful for the purpose of instruction. I believe that many teachers have developed some sort of dependency on things such as powerpoints and have shifted their methods of engaging students. The approaches one as a teacher should attempt to make should be according to the needs of their students and how they react to these learning approach...
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Recent Reviews by Kayla
Mon, Jan 27, 2020 8:32 AM
Methods and Strategies: "Inquirize" Your Teaching
The Journal Article “Methods & Strategies: : “Inquirize” Your Teaching”starts off by giving the reader two different scenarios on how to approach the same lesson. Although both methods are hands-on the way in which they approached the lesson made them very distinct. In one scenario students are conducting the experiment but not as involved when it comes to “answering a question for themselves”, this is a major component of inquiry. In the second scenario the children are actively engaging and taking matters into their own hands when it comes to investigating a question that they pose. The article states that the 5E learning cycle model is a great guideline that is useful while creating lessons. The first E is for “an Engage”, this is something that is meant to captivate a student’s curiosity on a question. The following E stands for Explore, students will be able to explore the answer to the question, it is critical that the results of the activity actually answers their question, if it does not one must alter it so that it does provide some answers. The third E stands for “Explain” this is where the information collected during the investigation are further analyzed and interpreted without a bias. The fourth is “extend and apply” this is where students must apply their newfound knowledge to previous lessons/concepts and to the “real world”. The final E is “evaluate”, students must evaluate “where the understandings are assessed”. This article was highly informative and would definitely be useful while creating a lesson plan. It is very important to keep children’s minds curious and showing them that they are capable of coming up with a solution rather than just presenting it to them.
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