Sun, Nov 18, 2012 2:03 AM in Learning by Gaming
I read the article on this too and my first question was, "Do they not realize how much gaming the kids do out of school?" Most kids game at least 10-15 hours Mon. - Fri. & about 8-10 hours on the weekends. That's on the low side too. If kids would read for at least half the amount of that that would be something. The only curriculum that gaming would fit in perfectly is physical educa...
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Tue, Oct 30, 2012 5:06 AM in Science in the Average Day
I'm going to totally jump off tangent here but it's disheartening to me how science & social studies is always shoved to the back because of state tests. If a school is labeled restructuring, etc., the focus is all reading & math. I know of schools that teach only 1 hour per week of science because of their school's status. I understand the reasoning but it doesn't make me feel any better about...
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Tue, Oct 23, 2012 4:13 PM in Websites For Science Teachers is a fabulous science site. I teach 5th grade & we use it to prepare for the Science Fair. It's very user friendly & could even be used to teach the scientific inquiry process from beginning to end. The explanation on variables is very well stated. The students enjoy this site & was surprised at how easy it was for them to find a science fair topic that interested them. ...
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