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Recent Reviews by Alicia
Cell Structure and Function
Sun, Feb 21, 2016 8:06 AM
Stunning Addition to Biology Education
If you have not yet tried e-books with your science curriculum, this is an excellent addition that you will find yourself using quite often. The NSTA e-books are developed in a way that it covers most, if not all, of your content standards. Students are engaged and interested. Each e-book includes videos, activities, review questions, and quizzes. What I love about this e-book is its ability to make the "invisible" visible. Before using this resources I had clips and video link everywhere. I would go back and forth to try and provide a visual for my students. Everything you need is in this e-book! The images of cells are superb in quality. The interactive videos are highly engaging and memorable when it comes to test time. These e-books are very easy to navigate for both teacher and student. I highly recommend them.
Interdependence of Life
Sat, Feb 20, 2016 10:58 AM
Fantastic addition to the science curriculum!
I purchased this eBook for my classroom to use this year. After purchasing, I explored the e-Book and was amazed by the beauty of this product. The graphics are outstanding, the interactive modules and videos add an additional depth that really captures the students attention. This is not in anyway just a "digital" text book. It is a visual an intellectual experience. I implemented this e-book in my classroom, for the first time, this year. My students honestly love it. This book covers all of the content standards with life biology, your units are right there ready to go. The students are engaged and actually want to read! It has had a tremendous impact on test scores, and retention. My students are still able to recall what they learned, they recall images and video clips. It is a kinesthetic learning experience. I was so impressed with the first one that I purchased a second about cells, which is equally stunning. I can't wait to get the complete set and neither can my students! I highly recommend this product!
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